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This paper attempts to analyze and assess Yongchuan Xiuya tea quality quickly, accurately, and digitally. The sensory evaluation method was first used to assess Yongchuan Xiuya tea quality, and then near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was obtained, and standard methods were applied to the testing of...
BOUTIQUE TEA 全部 云岭 新胜 永荣 云升 涵晨灵秀 又一春 得川 云阖 双英 怡芝 王一哲 云喻 天辰鸣翠 得川•永川秀芽 联系人:13983251498(晏礼松) 得川•永川秀芽 联系人:13983251498(晏礼松) 其他 得川 得川•永川秀芽 得川•永川秀芽 得川•永川秀芽 得川•永川秀芽 版权...
BOUTIQUE TEA 全部 云岭 新胜 永荣 云升 涵晨灵秀 又一春 得川 云阖 双英 怡芝 王一哲 云喻 天辰鸣翠 得川•永川秀芽 联系人:13983251498(晏礼松) 得川•永川秀芽 联系人:13983251498(晏礼松) 其他 得川 得川•永川秀芽 得川•永川秀芽 得川•永川秀芽 得川•永川秀芽 版权...
This paper attempts to analyze and assess Yongchuan Xiuya tea quality quickly, accurately, and digitally. The sensory evaluation method was first used to assess Yongchuan Xiuya tea quality, and then near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was obtained, and standard methods were applied to the testing of...
全部 云岭 新胜 永荣 云升 涵晨灵秀 又一春 得川 云阖 双英 怡芝 王一哲 云喻 天辰鸣翠 云岭•永川秀芽 规格:100g复合袋 等级:特级 联系电话:15178829927(郑颂) 产品名称:云岭永川秀芽·特川 产品规格:100g复合袋 产品简介:云岭牌永川秀芽外形紧直细秀,色泽鲜润翠绿,芽叶显豪露锋,汤色清澈绿亮,香气...