Professor Zhang was one of my favorite professors at Alabama and that's coming from a Finance major! He is so kind and actually cares about his student's success. His class isn't mandatory, but he will give pop quizzes that are really easy and can help your grade! If you study his...
His english isn't great, but you get used to it. He definitely knows the subject. He assumes you know more about math than you do, so the lectures are kinda hard to follow. The class itself is confusing, no matter who the professor is. You'll have to do the homework and practice ...
学校应该会有教评系统,但对课程、教授难以有一个客观的介绍(花费时间,教授推荐度etc)。虽然有Ratemyprofessor可以参考,但留学生对Ratemyprofessor的信息还是要客观对待,因为同一个教授不同学生会有相差很多的看法,甚至我觉得不少评论是“水军”刷出来的,比如: a)有教授一学期全好评,一学期全差评; b)有教授课上直...