In this edgy, tightly-crafted crime thriller,pathologist Professor Kang Min-ho is retiring to spend more time with his beloved daughter. But when a beautiful, young woman turns up mutilated, he is drawn into one last case.And this case will be the most toughest thing he will do in his ...
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Yeni Kim, MD, PhD;Miran Seo, PhD;Yun-Il Lee, PhD;So-Young Kim, BS;Eun-Ah Cho, MS;Se-Hyun Kim, MD;Yong-Min Ahn, MD, PhD;Ung-Gu Kang, MD, PhD;Yong-Sik Kim, M... The interaction between MK-801, a model of psychosis and KCl-induced depolarization or electroconvulsive shock (...
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Han, L.; Pan, G.; Wang, Y.; Song, X.; Gao, X.; Ma, B.; Kang, L. Rapid profiling and identification of triterpenoid saponins in crude extracts from Albizia julibrissin Durazz. by ultra high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight ...
54, No. 12 ·共识· 中枢神经系统感染性疾病的脑脊液 宏基因组学第二代测序应用 专家共识 中华医学会神经病学分会感染性疾病与脑脊液细胞学学组 通信作者:赵钢,西北大学医学院,西安 710069,;王佳伟,首 都医科大学附属...
Kang, J. Luo, Mobicloud: building secure cloud framework for mobile computing and communication, in: Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering, SOSE, pp. 27–34. [38] J. Lockwood, N. McKeown, G. Watson, G. Gibb, P. Hartke, J. Naous,...
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