VCORE 98 New technology and structure combine with innovation to increase string snapback and movement, giving players access to the most spin in Yonex tennis history. For intermediate to advanced players looking for a maneuverable racquet designed for spin and speed. EXPLORE OUR TECHNICAL ...
It rewards the player who prefers to get things done with lots of racquet head speed rather than with lots of racquet weight."F97比VCORE Tour G和其他VCORE球拍拥有更舒适的手感 这把拍子适合那些需要非常快的挥拍速度但还需要一定重量拍子的选手Dislikes 评测者不喜欢的地方Granville- "If I could just...
A review mentioned that the new 98 strings are slightly tighter than 2021. I was itching for a playtest but my shop hasn't made them available. So I play test 2021 VCore 95 and 98, VCP 97 310, Ezone 98 2022 and 100. VC 98 is the stick for me. I'm getting 2023 no matter what...
SPECS Price: $245 Head Size: 98 sq. in. Length: 27 in. Weight: 11.4 oz. Balance: 6 pts. HL Swingweight: 318 RA Rating: 64 Beam Width: 23.5 mm / 24.5 mm / 19.5 mm String Pattern: 16x19 Never change a winning game plan. It’s tennis tactics 101. Ride your strengths and hide...
String Specs: Co-poly monofilament Octagonal cross-section Gauges – 1.20mm, 1.25mm, 1.30 mm Colour – Orange Racket Setup for Testing I play with a Head Prestige S from 2018. Prestige rackets are Head’s series for precision and control and typically come with a smaller head size as a re...
Shop Vcore 98+ At Yonex. Perfect For Athletes Looking For Gear That Combines Comfort And Style Seamlessly.
VCORE 98 New technology and structure combine with innovation to increase string snapback and movement, giving players access to the most spin in Yonex tennis history. For intermediate to advanced players looking for a maneuverable racquet designed for spin and speed. EXPLORE OUR TECHNICAL ...
The general feel is softer than the Vcore even though the RA and vibration frequency is higher. Might be the kevlar or the higher recoil weight but the Bisner does feel a bit more comfortable. The power is higher on the bisner for similar static specs. Might be the higher ra helping ...
I had my first proper hitting session with the new VCORE PRO 97 (310). Comparing it VCORE 95 (2021). Summary: For my game, 97 (310) is a clear improvement over 95, I'm happily switching. Specs: 332g strung w/Wilson PRO overgrip, strung with Yonex Polytour Rev @ 50/48 I ge...
With Yonex, in general, VCore is spin, Ezone is power, VCore Pro is control, but the differences are of course more nuanced than that, with a fair amount of overlap in qualities. With the EZ100, VC100 and VCP100 in particular -- based on stock specs: All 300g unstrung static we...