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商品名称:YONEX 尤尼克斯羽毛球AS9AS05特选鸭鹅毛稳定耐打王职业训练比赛羽毛球 AS03 特选鸭毛 1速(12只装) 1筒 商品编号:10079526478154 店铺: 博威体育用品专营店 货号:AEROSENSA 球头:双拼球头 材质:鹅毛 规格:12只装 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台...
Well balanced twin-tip board A classic twin tip board perfect for those who want to improve their trick skills and ride the park in style. The wide tip makes it easier to maneuver the nose a nd tail, and improves ollie and jump release, as well as landing stability. A women's-specific...
AS-05 中羽评分8.5分,YONEX羽毛球,独家技术让羽毛球的飞行稳定性远超对手,每道生产工序的严格细致的管理,确保每个球翻转迅捷,飞行稳定,落点精确。
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Yonex Disposes Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation 24-07-23 MT More newsPress Releases: YONEX Co., Ltd. Yonex : Expands Its Manufacturing Network with a New Badminton Factory in Tateyama, Toyama Mar. 04 PU YONEX : Play Full Power with the All-New Yonex EZONE Dec. 06 PU New Addit...
great, sharp feel with great power and precision. It is coated withCupstack Carbon Nanotubecompound that increases elasticity as well as the strength of the string. This minimizes notching of the strings and and increases the snap-back effect to make the strings more powerful as well as ...
YONEX AS03 十六、仲裁委员会、技术代表和裁判员 各站比赛的仲裁委员会成员和技术代表由主办单位派出。裁判长和主要裁判员(一级以上或执裁有二年以上有经验的二级裁判员)由主办单位选派,其余由承办单位聘请(原则上为二级以上)。 十七、...
尤尼克斯 AS-9 羽毛球 特选鹅毛 耐打稳定比赛训练用球 AS9 2速 一筒12只装 1筒 155.67元(需买3件,需用券) 京东 03-03 16:16 0 2 尤尼克斯 羽毛球AS9精选12只装比赛稳定耐打AS05俱乐部专业比赛球 AS-05 12只装 3速 鸭毛 1筒 174元 京东 03-08 13:35 0 -- 尤尼克斯 羽毛球尼龙球耐打训练习YY塑...
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