frame-1, with the mean average precision of detection at the moderate, difficulty level increased by 8.77%, 9.81%, respectively. Key words: 3D object detection, YOLOv7, F-PointNet, multi-sensor information fusion, autonomous driving Cite this article Dongyu Zhao, Shuen Zhao. Autonomous ...
Current autonomous driving systems predominantly focus on 3D object perception from the vehicle's perspective. However, the single-camera 3D object detection algorithm in the roadside monitoring scenario provides stereo perception of traffic objects, offering more accurate collection and anal...
Keywords:3D object detection;YOLOv7;F-PointNet;multi-sensor information fusion;autonomous driving 前言 自动驾驶周围场景的精准感知是自动驾驶系统 决策规划的基础.三维目标检测主要是通过图像, 点云及多维数据融合等方式获取自动驾驶周围场景 静动态目标的位置,几何信息和类别信息,以实现自 动驾驶车辆对行驶环境的...
此外,Chi等人[28]表明,通过将基础设施纳入集群联邦过程,可以改进联邦3D目标检测,并在实验中包括了复杂的多步骤感知系统,其中从点云提取的特征图由视觉 Transformer 处理。 作者的 Proposal 与先前工作的不同之处在于,作者专注于最近实时目标检测器的联邦优化,并提出了对其性能的全面评估,同时允许在数据中心进行大规模模...
Waymo Open Dataset是目前最大、最全面的自动驾驶数据集之一,它提供了大量的高分辨率图像和3D点云数据,用于训练和测试目标检测算法。 当前的研究现状显示,尽管已经取得了显著的进步,但自动驾驶目标检测领域仍面临着一系列挑战,如在极端天气条件下的检测性能、模型的实时处理能力、以及在多样化环境中的适应性等。未来的...
YOLO works to perform object detection in a single stage by first separating the image into N grids. Each of these grids is of equal size SxS. Each of these regions is used to detect and localize any objects they may contain. For each grid, bounding box coordinates, B, for the potential...
Teaser YOLOv7-semantic & YOLOv7-panoptic & YOLOv7-caption YOLOv7-semantic & YOLOv7-detection & YOLOv7-depth (with NTUT) YOLOv7-3d-detection & YOLOv7-lidar & YOLOv7-road (with NTUT) Acknowledgements
Table 1 Detection results of the proposed method 分析表1可以看出,TYP和In 2类目标的5个评价指标在所有类别中最高,这是由于2类目标的体积占比较大,在特征提取的过程中能够获得较高的关注度。而TEC的P较低为0.785,US的mAP0.5:0.95较低...