parser.add_argument('--eval-interval', default=20, type=int, help='evaluate at every intervalepochs') parser.add_argument('--eval-final-only', action='store_true', help='only evaluate at the final epoch') parser.add_argument('--heavy-eval-range', default=50, type=int, help='evaluati...
9、--eval-interval 更新间隔评估;这个参数是真的坑,默认每20次更新一次,导致很多人的map都是0,还以为是程序的问题,坑了一大片人,官网论坛都在问,官方也没说是这里的情况 10、--eval-final-only 在最后一个批次进行评估;默认是true,不需要进行改动 11、--heavy-eval-range 在最后50个epochs时进行持续更新,...
--eval-interval, type=int, default=20, help='evaluate at every interval epochs') --eval-final-only, action='store_true', help='only evaluate at the final epoch') --heavy-eval-range, default=50,help='evaluating every epoch for last such epochs (can be jointly used with --eval-interva...
--eval-interval: Number of epochs after which to run the pycocotools evaluation. We are running the evaluation after each epoch. --img-size: Image size for training. --name: The project directory name. Giving a suitable name will help to easily distinguish between the training experiments. ...
device-side assert triggered ) the woirred thing if i use the cpu i do not get this error but with the gpu yes, my command fro training is , python --batch 8 --conf configs/ --data-path data/dataset.yaml --device 0 --epochs 2 --eval-interval 2,...
【摘要】 摘要YOLOv6 主要在 BackBone、Neck、Head 以及训练策略等方面进行了诸多的改进:统一设计了更高效的 Backbone 和 Neck :受到硬件感知神经网络设计思想的启发,基于 RepVGG style[4] 设计了可重参数化、更高效的骨干网络 EfficientRep Backbone 和 Rep-PAN Neck。优化设计了更简洁有效的 Efficient Decou... ...