Visual SLAM in Human Populated Environments: Exploring the Trade-off between Accuracy and Speed of YOLO andMask R-CNN Soares, Joao Carlos Virgolino, Marcelo Gattass, and Marco Antonio Meggiolaro. "Visual SLAM in human populated environments: exploring the trade-off between accuracy and speed of ...
多线程入口,仿照其他线程设计即可。看代码 #ifdef USE_YOLO_DETECTORstd::cout<<"[INFO] USE_YOLO_DETECTOR."<<std::endl;mpDetector=newYOLOv5Detector(mpFrameDrawer);mptDetector=newthread(&ORB_SLAM2::YOLOv5Detector::Run,mpDetector);#endif 注意,这里仅仅是把YOLOv5嵌入了SLAM系统,在viewer线程中展示出来...
YOLO-Planar-SLAM This is a RGBD SLAM system developed based on ORB-SLAM2. I tried to develop a SLAM system that can work in both dynamic environment and low-texture environment. This system use YOLO-fastest to remove moving human in the environment and use CAPE plane detection to extract ...
exportROS_PACKAGE_PATH=${ROS_PACKAGE_PATH}:PATH/YOLO_ORB_SLAM3/Examples/ROS Then build chmod +x ./ Only the RGBD target has been improved. The frequency of camera topic must be lower than 15 Hz. You can run this command to change the frequency of topic which...
YOLO+动态SLAM稠密建图 山巅以寺 编辑于 2023年06月21日 15:50 目前目标检测还是采用txt文件离线处理,第一次做还有所不足,欢迎大家一起讨论学习 分享至 投诉或建议 赞与转发
全新升级的Prometheus 230科研无人机(简称P230)是一款专为科研工作者及开发者设计的小型(250mm轴距)无人机实验平台。机载计算机升级为算力100TOPS的Allspark2-Orin NX,结合Prometheus自主无人机开源项目和Prometheus专业版地面站等软件,可实现室内(拒止)环境下视觉定位、视觉避障、YOLO点击跟踪等功能。
However, the traditional SLAM systems rely on the static environment assumption, which becomes unstable for the dynamic environment and further limits the real-world practical applications. To deal with the problem, this paper presents a dynamic-environment-robust visual SLAM system named YOLO-SLAM. ...
YOLO-SLAM composes the object detection approach and the geometric constraint method in a tightly coupled manner, which is able to effectively reduce the impact of dynamic objects. Experiments are conducted on the challenging dynamic sequences of TUM dataset and Bonn dataset to evaluate the ...