1.MYSTAYS 横滨酒店 地址:4-81, Sueyoshi-Cho, Naka-Ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 231-0055, Japan,中区,横滨,神奈川县,231-0055,日本 2.MYSTAYS 横滨关内酒店 地址:5-67-1, Onoe-cho, Naka-ku,横滨,神奈川县,231-0015,日本 3.横滨皇家花园酒店 Yokohama Royal Park Hotel 地址:2-2-1-3 Minatomirai,...
Field Service Engineer (m/f/d) Japan Japan, YokohamaCustomer Support and SalesCustomer Support / ServiceFull timeEntry level You will be performing equipment tests, installations, repairs and the after sales support for our precision equipment and will guide our customers as a reliable partner in ...
Hotel Reservation Form ASP-DAC 2011 January 25 - 28, 2011, Yokohama Japan Please complete and return this form to: JTB Tokyo Metropolitan Corp. JTB Yokohama Convention Center Address: Dai-6-Yasuda Bldg. 6F, 3-29-1 Tsuruya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama 221-0835, Japan Phone: +81-45-316-...