Yokogawa AQ6370D光谱分析仪,即横河AQ6370D OSA(Optical Spectrum Analyzer),作为光学测量领域的璀璨明珠,其波长覆盖范围之广,自600nm至1700nm,如同一位全能舞者,在光学的广阔舞台上优雅地旋转,捕捉每一个细微的光之轨迹。其高波长精度达到令人惊叹的±0.01nm,宛如匠人手中精准的刻刀,雕琢出光谱的每一个...
Yokogawa AQ6370 OPTICAL SPECTRUM ANALYZER. The AQ6370 uses a double-pass monochromator structure to achieve high wavelength resolution (0.02 nm) and wide close-in dynamic range (70 dB). Thus, closely allocated signal
Optical Spectrum Analyzers : Yokogawa AQ6375 It is designed for researchers and engineers who have been struggling with inadequate test equipment to measure in these long wavelength ranges. The AQ6375 achieves high speed measurements with high accuracy, resolution and sensitivity, even while providing f...
says its new AQ6370E optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) will be released June 26, 2023. The OSA is an upgraded version of the company's AQ6370D that offers enhanced performance and improved usability. Yokogawa expects technicians will use the AQ6370E to characterize a variety of components, ...
User’s Manual AQ6370D Optical Spectrum Analyzer はじめに 本書は、中華人民共和国国内でのみ有効です。 Foreword This manual is valid only in China. 产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量 部件名称 有毒有害物质或元素 铅(Pb) 汞(Hg) 镉(Cd) 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚 (Cr(VI)) (PBB) ...
Maintenance Services: Main categories: spectrum analyzer, tunable lasers, optical power meter, fib,Contact number:18565663983,Contacts:张先生
Optical Spectrum Analyzer The AQ6373 is the latest addition to the AQ6370 Series of Optical Spectrum Analyzers. With the ability to provide high speed, accurate analysis of the short wavelength range between 350nm and 1200nm, this OSA is well suited for a broad range of applications. The AQ...
Yokogawa has released the AQ6370D optical spectrum analyzer for communications measurements in the 600- to 1700-nm wavelength range. Its new functions include data logging, gate sampling, resolution calibration, an advanced marker function and an enhanced autosweep mode. The data logging function reco...
Yokogawa AQ6317B Optical Spectrum Analyzer, 50 GHz Yokogawa AQ6375E Optical Spectrum Analyzer, up to 2500 nm, +20 dBm to -70 dBm Anritsu MS9740B Optical Spectrum Analyzer, 600nm - 1750nm Yokogawa AQ6380 Optical Spectrum Analyzer, up to 1650 nm, 5 pm ...
User’s Manual AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/ AQ6373B/AQ6375/AQ6375B Optical Spectrum Analyzer Remote Control IM AQ6370C-17EN 12th Edition Thank you for purchasing the AQ6370C/AQ6370D/AQ6373/AQ6373B/AQ6375/AQ6375B Optical Spectrum Analyzer. This remote control user’s manual covers the AQ6370...