Yokogawa横河电机DiscontinuedUP550ProgramControllerUsersManualforCascadePrimary-loopControl使用说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 User’s Manual Model UP550 Program Controller User’s Manual for Cascade Primary-loop Control IM 05E01C02-42E IM 05E01C02-42E 3rd Edition Blank Page Toc Rev i...
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select a location where: Model and Suffix Codes Number of Inputs • 15 V DC loop power supply terminals: Not isolated from analog User’s Manual for Single-loop Control (1) no one may accidentally touch the terminals, R R UP550- 0 7 current output nor voltage pulse control output. Is...
UP550-20日本横河程序调节器YOKOGAWA横河电机是同行业中早进入中国的外资企业,在1979年开设了北京驻在员事务所,1985年与中国建立了*个合资公司,横河西仪有限公司。 详情介绍 UP550-20日本横河程序调节器YOKOGAWA 型号 后缀码 说明 UP550 程序控制器 规格 - 0 标准型 - 1 位置比例型 - 2 加热冷却型 规格 0 ...
YOKOGAWA横河UP-55021 up550-00 已售少于100 ¥3840点击查看更多配送: 福建厦门至 北京东城 快递: 23.00现货,付款后48小时内发货 保障:7天无理由退货 破损包退查看更多 用户评价 参数信息 图文详情 本店推荐 用户评价 参数信息 品牌 无品牌 型号 28131788 售后服务 其他 图文详情 0 本店推荐 询价施耐德防爆限位...
Allen-Bradley 6181-EPEDBCZZN VersaView Industrial Computer Power is up! CX-162 PB3 CARD CX-162PB3 834A L-1-505 CARD L1505 ARTESYN euro-power ESP835515/Z/333 99.0001.04 Regulated Power Supply 115vac 70VA POWER ONE HTAA-16W-A HC24-2.4-A POWER SUPPLY ...
data to be stored for approximately 70 days at one-second intervals with a 12-channel model. The recorders feature guidance messages for set-up and entering of settings. Measured data can be stored in text format on removable storage media for further processing and data back up on a ...
Model: UP35A Digital Indicating Controller, 2 Programs / 20 Segments, 3 DIs, 3 DOs, Power Supply 100 -240 V AC Configuration Page For: UTAdvanced Program Controller UP35A Standard UTAdvanced Program Controller Configuration Page For: UPAdvanced Hybrid Controller UP35A OEM UTAdvanced Hybrid Co...
YS1700 YOKOGAWA Korea, All DCS Parts( Even the discontinued DCS parts, we can quote original YOKOGAWA new replacing model) Field Instruments: Models: EJX110A Differential Pressure Yokogawa