Logitech G Flight Yoke and Throttle Quadrant are both equipped with adaptable mounting clamps which provide the freedom to configure your kit in any manner you see fit. Whether on top of your desk or clamped to the front, you can securely place the controls exactly where you want them. ...
The VelocityOne Flight isn't just one of the best flight yokes for Xbox, it's simply one of the best in general. This all-in-one package is a little pricey, but it incorporates the standard buttons of an Xbox controller and includes the throttle quadrant. It's a high-quality, feature...
X-Plane was the king of flight sims for a while and remains popular. Once again we would suggest that anything on this page will do you proud but the best remains the same, The Honeycomb Alpha is what you should be looking for.
Designed for the discerning flight simmer, the FC-100 features a comprehensive array of essential switches and controls necessary for multi-engine operations. This includes a twin throttle quadrant with dual throttle, propeller, and mixture levers, along with dual-magneto switches, dual alternators, ...
Ok I’ve had this problem for ages. I think I’ve posted before but have found a difference in the calibration of the saitek yoke throttle quadrant and the additional quadrant. The issue applies to the PMDG 747’s the yoke throttle is fine. Thrust from i
huge upgrade from my previous yoke. The weight, appearance, feel and overall quality was all there. Easy setup with plenty of assignments for the switches and buttons. Xplane 12 recognized everything on the yoke. Just ordered the Bravo throttle to go with it. Should have bought both ...
The Saitek Pro Flight Yoke with included Throttle Quadrant is a must-have for beginning and advanced flight simulation enthusiasts
FLIGHT YOKES 200-615 Flight Sim Yoke/ USB 3 Lever (Throttle, Pitch & Mixture) £164.95 £120 THROTTLES 300-133 Throttle Quadrant USB £149.95 £120 300-122 Pro Throttle USB £164.95 £120 RUDDER PEDALS 300-111 Pro Pedals USB £144.95 £105 MISC. 400-501 Trackb...
Hello, I have the Honeycomb Alpha flight yoke and it used to work fine but recently since I had to do a complete reinstallation of FSX:SE, it no longer sees it. I need FSUIPC to properly calibrate the axis for the ailerons. I really would appreciate any
you don't feel like it, though the process is also pretty straightforward. What's great is no matter how close you mount the throttle quadrant, the yoke doesn't catch it. And while the yoke may sit a little low for some, the sunken design does make it feel more like a real cockpit...