而其网站、app及“yoho!潮流圈”公众微信号、微博等电子化渠道更是便捷和迅速的将新鲜有趣的潮流内容第一时间传递给年轻受众。 2、潮流分享社区 YOHO!SHOW以具有个性的潮流社交mall概念为目标,是一款主张“Happy Labelling”的物趣分享应用,涵盖生活方式涉及的男女衫鞋、美食、数码、手办玩具、配件等,聚合全球最热...
$5.64M Last Raised $3.21M| 5 mos ago Revenue $0000 About Yoho Yoho specializes in footwear within the retail industry, offering a variety of casual shoes. The company provides a range of products including sneakers, loafers, slip-ons, sandals, and slippers for both men and women. It was ...
友和集團(股份代號:2347.HK)於2013年成立,是深耕香港市場的領先B2C電子商務企業,更是首間成功於港交所主板上市的香港B2C電商 。作為香港最早期的網購先行者, 友和YOHO採用線上線下融合(OMO)模式的零售業務,更先後引入電子價錢牌、自動定價系統、實時存貨系統、YOHO AI Assistant 等,以創新科技締造更佳購物體驗。
Stage IPO| IPO Total Raised $1.68M Date of IPO 6/10/2022 Market Cap 0.34B Stock Price 0.69 Revenue $0000 About YOHO YOHO is a company specializing in B2C e-commerce with a focus on electronic and electrical products. The company offers a wide range of consumer electronics, home appliances...
香港网购先行者,致力通过OMO零售模式成为家喻户晓的品牌,诚邀优质商家进驻友和平台,共享电商市场商机!总览 零售与批发 香港 中国内地, 香港 50+ USD 50,000+ 友和於2013年成立,為香港最早期的網購先行者之一,更是首間成功於港交所主板上市的香港B2C電商。憑藉其獨特的線上線下融合(OMO)零售模式,集團已累積超過11...
Min. Order: 50 sets 1 sold Yoho Modern Outdoor PE Rattan Lounge Sofa Set Grey Wicker Patio Furniture for Courtyard Villa Hotel Dining Garden Use Made Metal $193.10-231.17 Min. Order: 50 pieces 40 sold Modern Outdoor Garden Patio Steel Rattan Sofa Set All Weather Wicker Rattan Lounge Recliner...
company有货公司简介 “YOHO!有货”——年轻人潮流购物中心,(yohobuy)Yoho!有货为南京新与力文化传播有限公司旗下网上商城,目前是的潮流品牌商品销售平台之一。借助潮流产业的发展和YOHO!在平面媒体、网络社区、线下活动等产品的推广,从刚开始的零品牌合作发展到目前200多个品牌“入驻”销售,包括潮流品牌、港台品牌、...
First B2C E-commerce Company Listed on the HKEX Follow YOHO Hong Kong (A new modal window will be opened) Get quote . A new window will be opened. Trailblazer in HK E-commerce Striving to be a Household Name through OMO Model. We cordially invite merchants to join us, seizing expansive...
⌚ Our company is a physical premise that occupies a 2000+ sq. ft warehouse, and is a formally Hong Kong registered company that holds a business registration certificate ⌚ We participate in the No Fakes Pledge Scheme, which was launched in 1998 by the Intellectual Property Department, ...