设计,是一种看法和态度,每个人都可以表达自己。 在灯光昏暗的巴黎古典建筑内,一场视觉与情感的盛宴悄然上演。随着模特坚定而有力的脚步声和相机快门的频繁响声,Yohji Yamamoto的叙事在这个寂静的空间里缓缓展开,如同一幅精心构筑的画面,让人不禁屏息以待。 山本耀司...
A jacket designed like a work shirt, meant to be worn with the sleeves rolled up. It proposes a style where the cuffs of a long-sleeve shirt peek out. This deconstructed jacket style creates a refined and sophisticated impression. L10 A shirt resembling a double-breasted chef's coat. Its ...
Yohji Yamamoto /暗黑的灵魂,披上了如糖衣包装般华丽的外套 - 只要山本耀司稍稍往黑色以外的空间迈出一步,产生的反差都会变成一份惊喜。最新一季的系列,山本耀司展示了在暗黑背后,其实有很多我们从未认识过的个性,还有他对社会对世界的看法。 山本耀司,一位花了近40年的时间经研究细致的强化创作和优美的抽象解构的...
🖤 Yohji Yamamoto 山本耀司:女孩不应该像洋娃娃,而是要有独立的个性! · http://t.cn/AiHwsZGd
Yohji Yamamoto 主线真假鉴别 市面上fake标越来越多,这里列举下本人发现的fake标,希望被坑的人越来越少,正品只有一种fake千奇百怪,yohji一般有领标和大标两种,先各来一张正品,后面均为fake,请自行对号入座。所有的yohji都有尺码标,如果没有,可以断定必为fake,欢迎补充。 共8 张 贴吧用户_... 3-1 13 ...
yohji yamamoto#darkstyle##art##山本耀司##archive##末日穿搭# û收藏 转发 评论 ñ1 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...Ü 简介: 末日穿搭概念创始人 废土文化推广者 更多a 微关系 她的关注(1711) Vimi相机 Lin张林超- 抖音 鹦鹉...
Yohji Yamamoto will open his first UK solo exhibition celebrating his life and work at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. Yohji Yamamoto was awarded the rank of Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters, the highest honor in arts and culture in France ...
近日,WILDSIDE YOHJI YAMAMOTO 再度与 PROLE TA RE ART 携手打造其第全新合作单品。此次合作由夹克与裤子组成,并是用不同的头巾制成,展现了精美绝伦的拼接结构,材料均采用珍贵的古董纺织品,例如日本大正时代(1912-1926)的蓝染布料,以及明治时期(1868-1912)的旧墨染布料。衣身则是由 Yohji Yamamoto Pour Homme 牛...
To assume that the future awaits youth would be a fearful mistake. On the contrary, I have far more of future than most youth. They speak of the ceiling hanging low, pressing down on them from above. I know nothing of that sentiment. Rather than prattle on endlessly about art and concep...
Original Story:Yohji Yamamotois no stranger to crafting football kits — hisY-3label’s long-running partnership withReal Madridand its work withPalaceare proof of that — but his latest effort around the beautiful game is the closest to home yet. Yamamoto created the 2024 kits for Japan’s ...