The shelf life of Greek yogurt depends on the way it is stored. All dairy products should be kept in the refrigerator immediately to keep fresh for longer time period. Store the yogurt container for long time (a month or two) by freezing them. Seal the container tightly to keep it fresh...
They can go bad, and I've seen folks have bad results from an old/expired one. The other thing I wonder is if your inner pot wasn't clean enough somehow? Like maybe it was hand washed and something got missed? I always use glass jars that I've washed in the dishwasher. I hope ...
Simple, one month ahead! Maybe you don't believe it, Because, in your mind, that's what the little black factory does. Then someone asked, "isn't the expired milk sold on the market?" Let me tell you this: the box of milk in your hand has expired ...
I am a New Jersey ex-pat :-) living in the city. I would LOVE to know where all of those awsome green markets you speak oh so fondly of are situated? Also, congratulations on the soon to come bundle of joy. I am a proud mama of an 8 month old baby Amina and she is the ch...