This is a Yoga Pose Estimation App which can be able to detect the yoga pose in real time by using posenet and KNN Classifier. Here the dataset used is custom data set which consists of 3 videos for representing 3 different postures. It is deployed in heroku. One Thing to be noted i....
This is a Yoga Pose Estimation App which can be able to detect the yoga pose in real time by using posenet and KNN Classifier. Here the dataset used is custom data set which consists of 3 videos for representing 3 different postures. It is deployed in he
Yoga is a globally acclaimed and widely recommended practice for a healthy living. Maintaining correct posture while performing a Yogasana is of utmost importance. In this work, we employ transfer learning from Human Pose Estimation models for extracting 136 key-points spread all over the body to...
Dataset address: Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest. References Toshev, A.; Szegedy, C. DeepPose: Human pose estimation via deep neural networks. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Patter...
Chen, S.; Yang, R.R. Pose Trainer: Correcting Exercise Posture using Pose Estimation.arXiv2020, arXiv:abs/2006.11718. [Google Scholar] Zhang, H.; Yan, X.; Li, H. Ergonomic posture recognition using 3D view-invariant features from single ordinary camera.Autom. Constr.2018,94, 1–10. [...
This is a Yoga Pose Estimation App which can be able to detect the yoga pose in real time by using posenet and KNN Classifier. Here the dataset used is custom data set which consists of 3 videos for representing 3 different postures. It is deployed in he
人体骨骼关键点检测 (Pose Estimation) 主要检测人体的一些关键点,如关节,五官等,通过关键点描述人体骨骼信息。人体骨骼关键点检测对于描述人体姿态,预测人体行为至关重要。是诸多计算机视觉任务的基础,例如动作分类,异常行为检测,以及自动驾驶等等。 模型名称模型简介数据集评估指标 Simple Baselines coco2018 关键点检测项...
pi@raspberrypi:~/ncs2/MyYogini-master/build $ ./armv7l/Release/my_yogini -i ./my_yogini/from_Chris/AI-Yogini-Project/badWarrior11.jpg -c ./my_yogini/from_Chris/AI-Yogini-Project/GoodWarrior1flipped.jpg -m ~/ncs2/MyYogini-master/models/human-pose-estimation-0001/FP16/human-pose-...
This is a Yoga Pose Estimation App which can be able to detect the yoga pose in real time by using posenet and KNN Classifier. Here the dataset used is custom data set which consists of 3 videos for representing 3 different postures. It is deployed in heroku. One Thing to be noted i....
Chen, S.; Yang, R.R. Pose Trainer: Correcting Exercise Posture using Pose Estimation.arXiv2020, arXiv:abs/2006.11718. [Google Scholar] Zhang, H.; Yan, X.; Li, H. Ergonomic posture recognition using 3D view-invariant features from single ordinary camera.Autom. Constr.2018,94, 1–10. [...