Iyengar yoga with Lisa for beginners to experienced students, hosting regular workshops and courses. Vedic astrology consultations, on-line courses and classes.
资料来源于KRSchannel的油管视频——How to qualify yogas in vedic astrology? 其中提到的yoga会比较简要的形容 具体细节之后有缘更新 其中的案例展示主要是为了讲解每一个独立的比较凸显的知识点 每个案例都可以有更多细节可以深入考虑 满满干货哦! 感恩~ 首先呢,关于印度占星的什么历史底蕴啊智慧结晶啊之类的优点我...
In Vedic Astrology one of the promising yoga is Gajakesari Yoga. This yoga is formed in the birth-chart when Jupiter occupies a Kendra from the moon, i.e., 1, 4, 7,10th house from the Moon. Jupiter is the planet of wealth, fame, knowledge, luck and children while Moon is the plan...
Kaalsarpa Yoga is a very commonly understood term among the Indian masses. This word creates a sense of terror. It is also considered as highly inauspicious in the Vedic Astrology. When all the planets fall between the planet Rahu and the planet Ketu then Kaal Sarp Yoga is created. ...
In Vedic astrology, Hrim relates to the Sun and promotes solar energy, charisma, and expression. Shrim Shrim (pronounced ‘shreem’) is one of the most commonly used mantras. It is perhaps the most benefic of all sounds, drawing to us all that is good, helpful and promoting of positive...
In the rice fields just north of Ubud, these eco-friendly bungalows offer daily complimentary donation classes. Classical Indian-inspired yoga overlooking the Campuhan valley, and Vedic astrology consultations make this a unique and special place to enhance your practice. ...
Yogapedia Explains Vedic Astrology Vedic astrology is one of thevedangasof theVedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. The vedangas are the six sciences that are studied in order to practice and understand Vedic teachings. In Vedic astrology, a person’s destiny is determined by his/her karma, whic...
In Vedic Astrology, Rahu and Ketu are treated as the main planets those are responsible for Sun and Moon Eclipses. Although, these planets are considered as malefic but, they in some cases, bring prosperity and rise in your life. They mainly give their best results in the fields of ...
Yoga, as mentioned earlier, is a combination of 2 or more planets which can have a positive or negative effect as per the functional and generic nature of the planets involved. This is the essence of Vedic astrology and a topic which takes years to master, but that said, some basics can...
Saturn transit in Pisces (Meena Rasi) 2025-28, Vedic Astrology Predictions Saturn transit in Pisces (Meena Rasi) 2025, happens on 29 March 2025 at 01:07 IST. The biggest player of Karma in Vedic Astrology enters 100% water sign Pisces and will continue this transit until 17:57 IST on 22...