每一年,我总是下定决心注意饮食,加强锻炼,但是每一年我都是心有余而力不足。 be in good/high spirits兴高采烈 = be excited and happy Felix was still in high spirits↗/ after winning the race. ↘ Felix依然处于比赛获胜后的高昂情绪中。 raise/lift s...
上校愧疚的问,为什么你明明知道违抗美国可能给自己带来危险,还要坚持自己的原则。 苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之(as long as I can benefit the human race, I fear nothing)。这就是佛兰克博士此生的最后一句话。 在场的所有人都是军队铁汉,听到后莫...
have a head start拥有起步前的优势 If you have a head start on other people, you have an advantage over them in something such as a competition or race. A good education gives your child a head start in life. 良好的教育会使你的孩子赢...