SKIP_${PN}_append = "already-stripped"添加到libreoffice_%.bbappend配方中,以修复这个QA错误。您...
do_image_tar do_install Copies filesfrom the compilationdirectoryto a holding area do_listtasks Listsall defined tasksfor a target do_package Analyzes thecontentof the holding areaand splits itinto subsets basedon available packagesand files do_package_qa_setscene Runs QA checkson packaged files ...
linux-mainline-4.1.36-phy3-r0.0 do_listtasks: do_package Analyzes the content of the holding area and splits it into subsets based on available packages and files linux-mainline-4.1.36-phy3-r0.0 do_listtasks: do_package_qa Runs QA checks on packaged files linux-mainline-4.1.36-phy3-r...
I am using a BSP build "as is" and getting an error... ERROR: onnxruntime-1.8.2-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue:
ERROR: kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv-6.2.4.p1.2-r0 do_package: QA Issue: kernel-module-imx-gpu-viv: Files/directories were installed butnotshippedinany package: /lib /lib/modules /lib/modules/4.9.88-imx_4.9.88_2.0.0_ga+g5e23f9d61147 /lib/modules/4.9.88-imx_4.9.88_2.0.0_ga+g5e23f9...
SUMMARY = "Install opencv 3.4.14 libraries" LICENSE = "CLOSED" LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "" SRC_URI = "\ file://etc \ file://usr \ " S = "${WORKDIR}" ## prebuilt library don't need following steps do_configure[noexec] = "1" do_compile[noexec] = "1" do_package_qa[noexec] = ...
在do_instll制作.so链接文件和对应的动态库后,不会自动将链接文件和动态库一并生成到文件系统里 在fubversion配方的image文件夹里是存在.so和动态链接文件的,但是在最终的文件系统却没有.so链接文件 这与do_package_qa一类的规则有关,解决办法 FILES_${PN} += "${libdir}/*.so" ...
ERROR: phosphor-user-manager-1.0+gitAUTOINC+5a6e836a71-r1 do_package: QA Issue: phosphor-user-manager: Files/directories were installed but not shipped in any package: /dbus-1 /usr/share /usr/share/phosphor-certificate-manager /usr/share/phosphor-certificate-manager/nslcd /dbus-1/system.d /...
ERROR: onnxruntime-1.8.2-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: solved : oh i studied this error careful ,you can re create a clean folder redo all sure OK thank you all Best Regards,Joseph Zhou Jianhui / Senior Embedded Software Engineer, Singapore 0 Kudos Reply 0...