systemctl enable test.service 在开机时禁用服务 systemctl disable test.service 查看服务是否开机启动 systemctl is-enabled test.service 查看已启动的服务列表 systemctl list-unit-files|grep enabled 查看启动失败的服务列表 systemctl --failed 4、配置自启动程序 本章节在此介绍一种使用 systemd 方式来配置任意...
# EXTRA_OECMAKE += "-DFLB_OUT_KAFKA=On " inherit cmake ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_FEATURES', 'systemd', 'systemd', '', d)} SYSTEMD_SERVICE:${PN} = "fluent-bit.service" TARGET_CC_ARCH:append = " ${SELECTED_OPTIMIZATION}" FILES:${PN} += "/lib/systemd/system" Jan 20, 202...
root@imx8mp:# systemctl enable systemd-networkd.serviceroot@imx8mp:# systemctl enable wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service如果需要立即生效则使用下面命令重启服务root@imx8mp:# systemctl restart systemd-networkd.serviceroot@imx8mp:# systemctl restart wpa_supplicant@wlan0.service蓝牙连接(此部分只能使用 M.2...
# Whether to enable or disable the services on installation.SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE ??= "enable" 2. This line is important because in the process of enabling the service, it specifies -- in what systemd target directory the symlink will be installed. In this case, the symlink should be in et...
systemctl disable test.service 查看服务是否开机启动 systemctl is-enabled test.service 查看已启动的服务列表 systemctl list-unit-files|grep enabled 查看启动失败的服务列表 systemctl --failed 4、配置自启动程序 本章节在此介绍一种使用 systemd 方式来配置任意开机自启动程序的方法。 1.首先将 iMX8MM 开发板...
# 禁用系统功能 # 1. 禁用任务管理器 //禁用 var subKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("...
SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE ??= “enable” 上述语句相当于调用systemctl enable xx.service。当不想让服务开机自启动时,可以在.bb文件中显示的失能该功能,在需要的时候通过手动调用systmctl命令启动: SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE = “disable” 当然,无论是sysvinit还是systemd,开机自启动能够成立的前提是:在do_install task中已...
you need to change the systemd It is systemd knowledge, not imx.
Mender通常作为systemd服务运行。您可以通过systemd命令来禁用和停止该服务。 禁用服务: systemctl disable mender.service 停止服务: systemctl stop mender.service 方法三:从镜像中移除 如果您确定不再需要Mender,可以从您的Yocto镜像中完全移除它。 编辑local.conf文件,删除或注释掉之前添加的Mender相关行: ...
Now the only issue is getting this service "sshdgenkeys.service" enabled by default. Just to recap, I have "openssh-sshd" disable by default and "openssh-sshdgenkeys" enable: SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE:${PN}-sshd = "disable" SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE:${PN}-sshdgenkeys = "enable" ...