YO-YO Intermittent Recovery Test(Yo-Yo IR)是一种用于评估运动员的有氧耐力和恢复能力的测试方法。它的目标是测量运动员在高强度运动后,通过恢复间隔来评估其恢复能力。 测试的具体步骤是,运动员在设定的跑道上进行连续的快速跑步,根据发出的信号改变跑步速度。在每个阶段结束时,运动员必须在规定的时间内回到起点。
“beep”提示音 • Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test (level 1, level 2) Yo-Yo 间歇性恢复测试 (等级1 ,等级2) o Run 40m (20m×2), 10” recovery walk after each shuttle 在完成每个40 米(20 米×2)后有10秒的间歇时间 Beep for start, turn, and finish 在开始、转身、结束的时候...
“YO - YO”间歇性耐力测试- YO - YO Intermittent EnduranceTest 和“YO - YO”间歇性恢复测试 - YO - YO Intermittent RecOvery Test)的一种,是欧洲足球俱乐部为了解球员的体能准备情况 和身体状态所普遍采用的方法。 本研究对体育大学两个年级足球专业学生“YO - YO”测 试成绩及V ・ 0 2 max 进行了...
If you look at the table data for each yo-yo test, there are columns for level, speed level and speed. I can explain what they represent, but I don't know how they came to be that way. The speed levels range from 1 up to 27, and each test starts and finishes at a different ...
Purpose: The aim of the present study is to examine the performance of young Japanese cross-country skiers of different competitive levels with the use of Yo-Yo tests and the 12-minute run test (12MRT) that have been demonstrated to be related to each level, and to know which test is ...
世界悠悠球大赛(World Yo-Yo Contest)简称WYYC或者世界赛,是目前世界上水平最高的悠悠球赛事之一。 目前这项悠悠球盛事自1992年起,每年都会举办,期间从未中断过。来自世界不同国家和地区的悠悠球爱好者都会聚集一堂,来一场为期数日的悠悠球嘉年华之旅。
The Yo-Yo Intermittent test (Yo-Yo IR1) is an intermittent progressive field test to exhaustion aiming to assess the ability of soccer players to reiterate bouts of high-intensity exercise with short recovery time. The test stresses mainly the aerobic pathway with important involvement of the ana...
The Yo-Yo Intermittent Tests are similar to theYo-Yo Endurance Test(a variation of thebeep test), except in the intermittent tests the participants have a short active break (5 and 10 seconds for theintermittent enduranceandintermittent recoverytest, respectively). There are two versions of each...
Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 2 (YYIRTL2)Below are the levels, speeds and accumulated distances for the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test 2 of the Yo-Yo Intermittent Test. The results can be given as the total distance covered, level number achieved, or speed level (such as 22.3,...
The Yo-Yo Intermittent test (Yo-Yo IR1) is an intermittent progressive field test to exhaustion aiming to assess the ability of soccer players to reiterate bouts of high-intensity exercise with short recovery time. The test stresses mainly the aerobic pathway with important involvement of the ana...