“YO - YO”间歇性耐力测试- YO - YO Intermittent EnduranceTest 和“YO - YO”间歇性恢复测试 - YO - YO Intermittent RecOvery Test)的一种,是欧洲足球俱乐部为了解球员的体能准备情况 和身体状态所普遍采用的方法。 本研究对体育大学两个年级足球专业学生“YO - YO”测 试成绩及V ・ 0 2 max 进行了...
1) soccer Y-Yo测试 2) Y Ⅲ YⅢ 1. Two nine-coordinateY Ⅲcomplexes with aminopolycarboxylic acids ligands(K 3[Y Ⅲ(nta) 2(H 2O)]6H 2O and K 2[Y Ⅲ(dtpa)(H 2O)]·7H 2O) were synthesized. 在得到K3[YⅢ(nta) 2 (H2 O) ]·6H2 O及K2 [YⅢ(dtpa) (H2 O) ]·7H2 ...
1) soccer Y-Yo测试 2) Y Ⅲ YⅢ 1. Two nine-coordinateY Ⅲcomplexes with aminopolycarboxylic acids ligands(K 3[Y Ⅲ(nta) 2(H 2O)]6H 2O and K 2[Y Ⅲ(dtpa)(H 2O)]·7H 2O) were synthesized. 在得到K3[YⅢ(nta) 2 (H2 O) ]·6H2 O及K2 [YⅢ(dtpa) (H2 O) ]·7H2 ...
A secondary aim was to examine possible shared variance of the Yo-Yo intermittent endurance test with other physical capacities. Sixty-two soccer players (age 13.7卤0.5 years) from an Under-14 team participated. All players performed a battery of fitness tests to assess [Vdot]O2max, aerobic ...
The aim of this study was to use heart rates and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery test level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1)-derived thresholds to determine the positional internal match loads of semi-professional soccer players. Players completed a Yo-Yo IR1 while wearing a portable gas analyser. Heart rates (...
The Intermittent Recovery Test is replacing the classic Leger Beep Test as the test of choice for soccer. However, VO2 max, though it is useful for gauging an individual’s fitness for an exercise such as running on a treadmill, it is only partly relevant to intermittent sports such as foo...
The Yo-Yo Intermittent test (Yo-Yo IR1) is an intermittent progressive field test to exhaustion aiming to assess the ability of soccer players to reiterate bouts of high-intensity exercise with short recovery time. The test stresses mainly the aerobic pathway with important involvement of the ana...
SPARQ Soccer Yo-Yo TestJuly 20th, 2011· No Comments · Football (Soccer), Shuttle Runs An example of the 20m yo-yo intermittent shuttle run test for endurance. See more on the soccer SPARQ testingTags: fitness test·Football (Soccer)·shuttle test·SPARQ·yo-yo...
The Yo-Yo Intermittent Test (Stage 2) is part of the Hockey SPARQ rating and may be added to the Soccer SPARQ rating. See video Yo-Yo test examples The complete guide to the beep test for links to more information. The JAM test, another intermittent 'beep' type test with variable inten...
The results show that Yo - Yo intermittent re-covery test can evaluate the pubescent women soccer players’anaerobic capacity,and adult women soccer play-ers’aecrobic capacity.%本研究以中国国家女子足 球队 U -12、U -15、U -19 集训队伍的 52 名运动员为实验对象,分别进行了 Yo - Yo IR1、...