It imitatesthe football rhythm , and combines physical ability test with the features of football , thereupon it can evaluate thespecialized endurance quality of football players.Key words : Yo2Yo endurance test ; principles; functions; football ; physical ability test YO - YO 测试作为一种有氧...
Corre-lation analysis showed that the Yo - Yo IR1,Yo - Yo IR2 test results were in low correlation with VO 2 max test results,and was in high correlation with the average anaerobic power results of women'football athletes in the U - 12 group;there is a moderate correlation b...
采用YO—YO间歇恢复测试评价我国职业足球运动员体能 On using YO-YO intermittent test to evaluate the China professional football players" physical fitness 作者: 郑瑾[1] 赵文凯[2]作者机构: [1]常熟理工学院体育部,江苏常熟215500 [2]嘉祥县第一中学,山东济宁272400出版物刊名: 辽宁体育科技 页码: 31-...
The 'YO YO Endurance Test' can be used to determine the level of athletic in all sports (football, running, basketball, volleyball, cycling, tennis etc.) At the end of the test you can get for each athlete the final result (eg. "Above average" or "Poor") and the Vo2Max estimate ...
The 'YO YO Endurance Test' can be used to determine the level of athletic in all sports (football, running, basketball, volleyball, cycling, tennis etc.) At the end of the test you can get for each athlete the final result (eg. "Above average" or "Poor") and the Vo2Max estimate ...
The 'YO YO Endurance Test' can be used to determine the level of athletic in all sports (football, running, basketball, volleyball, cycling, tennis etc.) At the end of the test you can get for each athlete the final result (eg. "Above average" or "Poor") and the Vo2Max estimate ...
中国职业足球YO—YO体能测试现状及对策研究 维普资讯
The study examined Yo-Yo intermittent recovery level 2 (YYIR2) and submaximal YYIR1 test performances in 172 male semi-professional football players (age; 25.8±4.1 years) representing all teams in a top league at pre-season, start-season, mid-season and end-season. YYIR2 performance was ...
1) YO-YO intermittent endurance test YO-YO间歇耐力测试 1. Chinese Football Association’s fitness test doesn’t accord with football players’special fitness characteristics, on the basis of YO-YO Intermittent Endurance Test, the paper attempts to introduce a new fitness test -- "YO-YO Intermitt...
An additional group of 30 male age-matched recreational football players that afterwards started the 12-week recreational football program (age 39±6years, VO 2max 45.3±5.8mlkg -1 min -1 , body mass 82.5±7.8kg, height 172.8±5.4cm) was evaluated at baseline to test cross-validation. ...