continuethetestwhenthespeedreaches15.517. tsuggestedthatthisshouIdbedrawnonduringthetrainingandbear rangedtheparticuIartrainingaboutit. Keywords:man、thefirstcIassfootbaIIteams;thetestofphysicaIfitness;anaIysis;China YO-YO测试作为一种有氧耐力评价方法在国外已有近二 ...
The descriptive result showed that mean (SD) 20-m multistage fitness test [33.31 (5.92)] was lower compared to Yo-Yo intermittent test [47.48 (1.06)]. There was positive strong relationship between 20-m multistage fitness test and Yo-Yo intermittent fitness test [ p <0.001, r =0.652]. ...
This is part two of the Yo-Yo endurance fitness test, the final few stages. This is the ‘endurance’ version of the yo-yo test, which is essentially the same as the standard Multistage Fitness Test (beep test). See also the posted part 1 of this video....
they can’t keep up with the soccer players when it comes to the Yo-Yo test. You might find that surprising, but it just goes to illustrate that there’s a different type of fitness needed for soccer, which is more about intermittent bursts. Your ability to perform these intermittent burs...
5) Yo-Yo test YO-YO测试 1. The YO-YO test can estimate the player s capacity of repeat intermittent load. YO-YO测试可以对运动员重复间歇性负荷的能力进行评价。 2. With the method of document,observation and experiment,it has made a study of the principle,function and method of Yo-Yo...
“YO - YO”间歇性耐力测试- YO - YO Intermittent EnduranceTest 和“YO - YO”间歇性恢复测试 - YO - YO Intermittent RecOvery Test)的一种,是欧洲足球俱乐部为了解球员的体能准备情况 和身体状态所普遍采用的方法。 本研究对体育大学两个年级足球专业学生“YO - YO”测 试成绩及V ・ 0 2 max 进行了...
Currencies for fitness app Like Like 222 32.6k View Agon App Agon App Like Like 394 61.9k Shot Link View Training Mobile IOS App Training Mobile IOS App Like Purrweb UI/UX Agency Team Like 451 60.5k View Exploration - Running App Exploration - Running ...
(等级1 ,等级2) Set Up 设置 NOTE: 5m walk area is not necessary for the Yo-Yo endurance test Yo-Yo 耐力测试没有5米缓冲区 • Yo-Yo Endurance Test (level 1, level 2) Yo-Yo 耐力测试(等级1 ,等级2) o Continuous (no rest), run 20m after each beep 没有间隙,每次“beep”提示音前...
3) Yo-Yo test YO-YO测试 1. The YO-YO test can estimate the player s capacity of repeat intermittent load. YO-YO测试可以对运动员重复间歇性负荷的能力进行评价。 2. With the method of document,observation and experiment,it has made a study of the principle,function and method of Yo-Yo...
butsignificantlyrelativewithaveragepower r 0.512,P 0.05 .The studyconcludedthatYO—YO testplayde na effectiveroleinevaluatingthenaaerobiccapaciyt. Keywords:ChineseNational Men’SHockeyPlayers;aerobiccapaciyt;anaerobiccapacity;YO —YO tests 曲棍球运动是 项在我国还未普及的运动,到目 级数的增加,对运动员无氧...