ynetnews is Israel's most comprehensive, authoritative daily source in English for breaking news and current events from Israel and the Jewish world.
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YnetNews Category:YnetNews International backlash surges as Israel resumes airstrikes in Gaza Mar 18, 2025 11:41 am|Ticker,Ynet UN and Turkey denounce Israel’s Gaza airstrikes as ceasefire collapses, with Egypt urging... The letter that led to Netanyahu’s decision to fire Shin Bet chief ...
Founded in 2005, Ynetnews is the online English-language Israeli news website of Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel’s most-read newspaper. The website has an about page that is nearly impossible to click on because of excessive advertising. We gave up andsearched it out“Ynetnews is designed to give...
ynetnews is Israel's most comprehensive, authoritative daily source in English for breaking news and current events from Israel and the Jewish world.
Access breaking news, special reports and expert analysis on top headlines from Israel, the Middle East, the Jewish world and around the globe - all in the palm of your hand. Join the conversation by commenting and engaging with others in real time, and never miss a story with on-the-go...
Access breaking news, special reports and expert analysis on top headlines from Israel, the Middle East, the Jewish world and around the globe - all in the palm of your hand. Join the conversation by commenting and engaging with others in real time, and never miss a story with on-the-go...
Ynetnews, part of the Yedioth Ahronoth group, provides the most reliable and accurate information through dozens of reporters, opinion writers and leading analysts in their fields. Alongside breaking news and updates, bringing you everything happening in Israel and the Jewish world, Ynetnews also ...
"We face too many shared dangers and see the huge potential for better relations," wrote Al Otaiba on her Twitter account. "In the UAE and in much of the Arab world, we would like to believe that Israel is an opportunity, not an enemy. Israel's decision to annex will be an unmistak...
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