If you have gone through thePast Spending Exercise, then you should have a good idea what your monthly bills are. If not, just go through your banks and credit card statements to find ALL recurring charges and add them to your budget. Related-> Lower your monthly bills automatically withAs...
I’d either forget to update the budget, or I’d get tired of the app telling me how much money I’d spent the previous month. Budgeting seemed nice in theory, but it “just didn’t work for me.”
You need a budget. But do you need YNAB? It's involved and pricey, but YNAB will probably make you better with money if you have the discipline to stick with it.
It will not yet affect your budget. When the date of the next occurrence comes, the transaction will appear in bold in your register, waiting for you to approve it (we want to make sure it actually happened as planned!). Cleared or Uncleared? When Scheduled Transactions are entered in ...