Things work a little differently, so you'll want to check out Credit Cards with a Positive Balance: An Overview ↗️ Wondering how credit card overspending works in YNAB? Handling Credit Card Overspending: An Overview ↗️ Struggling to make your credit card payments? We can help! How to...
Handling Credit Cards in YNAB: An Overview ↗️ Want to learn more about the Credit Card Activity window? Credit Card Activity: An Overview ↗️ Looking for how to enter (or import) and categorize payments to your credit card? Wondering how much you have set aside for an upcoming ...
If you’re just getting going with your credit cards in YNAB, check outHandling Credit Cards in YNAB: An Overviewfirst! You’ll be set up correctly from the start, and the more detailed information on payments here will be a breeze!
I could have read this excellent support article abouthandling credit cards in YNABand followed through on their instructions. All said and done, I can’t blame any of these circumstances for my budgeting setbacks. The reality is that I hadn’t fully converted myself to the joys and disciplin...
Handling credit cards and debts with YNAB is where many people get stuck. Don’t worry! The system is actually set up to help you pay off debt and has some great tools for doing just that. When you add a credit card (like in the video below), you’ll be given the option of budge...
Debt and Credit Cards: Master Credit Cards with Your Budget, Credit Card Overspending, and Create A Debt Paydown Plan Building Savings: Reach Your Savings Goals and Break the Paycheck to Paycheck Cycle When Money’s Tight: Cutting Spending Special Uses: Handling Cash, Budget with Any Pay Cycle...
At the time, I was a stay-at-home mom to our four children and responsible for handling the home and the finances. My husband worked full time but his income was highly variable from month to month. I had tried every budgeting system known to man, including the cash envelope system (wh...
-Kyle, YNAB user since 2020 If you’re like the average YNABer (just AVERAGE), you’ll save $600 in the first two months. And $6,000 in the first year. But you might experience something much more powerful than a growing bank account balance or paid off credit cards: 92% of YNABe...
How We’re Handling Our Wedding Costs We are splitting the cost of the wedding according to our portion of take-home pay, so I am paying 61% of the cost. We’re paying for the whole thing ourselves and hoping for a small quaker-style wedding. We’re hoping to pull it all off for...
If you’re like the average YNABer (just AVERAGE), you’ll save $600 in the first two months. And $6,000 in the first year. But you might experience something much more powerful than a growing bank account balance or paid off credit cards: 92% of YNABers report feeling less stressed...