Learn the definition of this internet slang term with conversation examples and ESL infographic. YMMV是什么意思? YMMV的缩写代表什么?通过对话示例和ESL信息图来了解此互联网俚语术语的定义。 YMMV MeaningYMMV意义 What Does YMMV Mean? YMMV是什么意思? “YMMV” stands for “your mileage may vary”. “YM...
The Meaning of YMMVYMMV means "Your Mileage May Vary"So now you know - YMMV means "Your Mileage May Vary" - don't thank us. YW! What does YMMV mean? YMMV is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the YMMV definition is given. ...
If you are wondering why your friend isn’t responding after simply texting TTYL, then let me clear the meaning behind it. The sender wanted to tell you they’ll talk to you later. The best way to get out of the tetchy or patchy situation is by saying TTYL. You can end the convers...