Discover why Melbourne Airport, affectionately known as "Tulla," has been the gateway to Victoria's capital since 1970. With unparalleled attention to detail, this scenery captures the essence of YMML, allowing you to immerse yourself in the busy atmosphere of one of Australia's premier airports...
墨尔本机场(英语:IATA代码:YMML)是澳大利亚维多利亚州墨尔本市的主要民航机场,位于距离墨尔本中心商业区西北23公里(14英里)处的泰勒马林区(Essendon Airport),成为墨尔本大都会区四个机场中唯一的国际机场。墨尔本机场在2012年度的客流量达到2900万人次,其国际航线航线直航通往大洋洲、亚洲、北美洲、欧洲及非洲,仅次于悉尼国...
墨尔本机场(英语:Melbourne Airport,IATA代码:MEL;ICAO代码:YMML)是澳大利亚维多利亚州墨尔本市的主要民航机场,位于距离墨尔本中心商业区西北23公里(14英里)处的泰勒马林区(Tullamarine),所以亦俗称泰勒马林机场(Tullamarine Airport)。墨尔本国际机场于1970年启用,并且取代了附近的艾森顿机场(Essendon Airport),成为墨尔本大都会...
Welcome back to Australia's second busiest airport! In this video we focus on just the big planes, like the A380, 747, 777 and more. Melbourne Airport caters to a huge array of airlines and aircraft types on a daily basis, connecting our city to the Americas, Asia, The Pacific and ...
机场三字码查询 关键字: 城市名机场三字码机场四字码机场名称英文名称 墨尔本MELYMML墨尔本MELBOURNE
澳大利亚墨尔本国际机场航空拍摄 🇦🇺 Melbourne Airport Plane Spotting AUSTRALIA 2293 0 34:22 App 印度尼西亚巴厘岛机场航空拍摄 Bali Airside Plane Spotting Discover the True Colors of Bali 952 0 58:28 App 瑞士苏黎世机场航空拍摄 🇨🇭 Zurich Airport Plane Spotting Switzerland [ZRH/LSZH] 2.6万...
There is a very logical flow directing foot traffic from check in to the gate although it can feel a bit closed compared to other more open-plan international airport, such as Hong Kong Intl. The airport is rather compact, with all terminals in the same complex, making it a connector's ...
Airport Use:Open to the Public Airport Communications MELBOURNE Approach:132.00 MELBOURNE ATIS:114.10 MELBOURNE ATIS:118.00 MELBOURNE Departure:118.90 MELBOURNE Departure:129.40 MELBOURNE Ground Control:121.70 MELBOURNE Tower:120.50 Nearby Navigation Aids ...
...分公司A320-200客机(注册号VH-VNG)从墨尔本国际机场(YMML)起飞后的爬升过程中发现起落架无法完全收回,飞机返航安 …|基于11个网页 2. 墨尔本机场 墨尔本机场 (YMML) is currently experiencing departure delays an average of 31 分钟. (all airport delays) (all flight cancel...zh-...
生效澳大利亚墨尔本国际机场图表ymml.pdf,Effective_02-MAR-2017 Australia Melbourne Melbourne Intl I 23-FEB-2017 O A MEL-YMML 1- 10 AOI GENERAL Operational Hours ATS Hours: H24 AD OPS Hours: Not published Airport Information RFF: CAT 10 PCN: 16/34: 79/F/C/1