Assistant Site Director I (在职员工) - Dallas, TX - 2015年3月1日 The values and purpose of the YMCA's afterschool program is awesome. The company has great individuals working together to make sure that the children in their care are given the tools to help them to build...
Aquatics Director(在职员工)-Dallas, TX-2024年9月24日 Enjoy the people I work with and members. Workload could be a LOT for one person and the pay isn’t the best. Would highly recommend to start your career, and learn a lot which can lead into many other career fields. ...
Sports Official/Coach (在职员工) - Dallas, TX - 2020年2月13日 If you love working with kids and watching them develop, there's nothing better. I made a ton of great relationships. There's a certain innocence that you can't find anywhere else. 这篇点评对您有用吗? 是否 报告分享 ...
Front Desk Assistant(离职员工) - Dallas, TX - 2012年4月23日 This was a very social job, and required multitasking, and becoming familiar with members and information about the company. 查看474的全部评价 来自Council Bluffs, IA的更多评价 4.0 Fun workplace Childcare Associate(离职...