This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of YMCA OF HONG KONG CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN (WEST KOWLOON). You can find out how to get to YMCA OF HONG KONG CHRISTIAN INTERNATIONAL KINDERGARTEN (WEST ...
This page displays the address, phone number, business hours, fax, email, website, service hours and other contact information of YMCA. You can find out how to get to YMCA below, the nearest bus stops, nearby Restaurant Snacks. Basic Information/基本信息 ...
When it comes to traveling from the airports near Hong Kong to The Cityview in Yau Ma Tei, there are several convenient options available. The two main airports serving Hong Kong are Hong Kong International Airport and Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport. If you arrive at Hong Kong Internation...
Hong Kongis well-known among taxi drivers, so they will be familiar with its location. For those looking for a more budget-friendly option, the airport also offers bus services to various parts of the city. Look for the A21 bus, which stops nearThe Salisbury - YMCA of Hong Kongin Tsim...
位置8.8 服務質素評分10分滿分獲8.4分,於巴斯屬高評分 服務質素8.4 性價比評分10分滿分獲8分 性價比8.0 評分 9+ 卓越 (29) 8-9 優秀 (11) 7-8 很好 (11) 6-7 良好 (10) <6 失望 (7) 住客類別 住客類別 房型 房型 語言 Select your country ...
We hope to re-introduce this function with a release in the near future. Version 3.00 (built on 17.04.13) *** Use this version of the software at YOUR OWN RISK!!! *** This software is being released as an "alpha" version. Use this version at your own risk! This pre-release ...
Bath YMCA Hostel份点评 tooltip 等级信息由住宿提供,仅用作其舒适度、设施及其他方面水平的参考 International House Broad St Place, 巴斯市中心, 巴斯, 英国, BA1 5LH 还不错 来自144 个评分 7.9 / 10 真实的住客点评来自 7.9 还不错 来自144 个评分 ...
Not good when you have a heavy luggage like me. Dirty floors under the bed, didn’t look like they swept the floor as well as a big puddle near the sink. Pillowcases where turned inside out. Prolly used and they just didn’t change the pillowcases and the sheets. Location was ...
Not good when you have a heavy luggage like me. Dirty floors under the bed, didn’t look like they swept the floor as well as a big puddle near the sink. Pillowcases where turned inside out. Prolly used and they just didn’t change the pillowcases and the sheets. Location was ...
Not good when you have a heavy luggage like me. Dirty floors under the bed, didn’t look like they swept the floor as well as a big puddle near the sink. Pillowcases where turned inside out. Prolly used and they just didn’t change the pillowcases and the sheets. Location was ...