ymca ymca是什么意思、ymca怎么读 读音:英[ˌwaɪ em si: ˈeɪ] 美[ˌwaɪ em siː ˈeɪ] ymca 基本解释 abbr. 基督教青年会(Young Men's Christian Association) 词组短语 1、its fun to stay at theymca留在基督教青年会很有趣...
YMCA 美[ˌwaɪ em si: 'eɪ] 英[ˌwaɪ em si: 'eɪ] abbr.基督教青年会 网络基督教青年会(Young Men's Christian Association);基督教青年协会;基督教男青年会 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 ymca 显示所有例句 abbr. 1. 基督教青年会Young Men's Christian Association (an organization...
They donate all the profits from the maze to organizations like the YMCA and the Marine Corps . 他们将所有从迷宫经营获取的利润都捐给诸如基督教青年和海军陆战队这一类的机构。 www.ecd123.com 7. On Friday nights there was always a dance in the gym of the local YMCA. 每到周五晚上,当地人都...
Comparably inexpensive accommodations can usually be found in localYMCAfacilities. 当地基督教青年会通常都有租金比较低廉的房间. 互联网 It really felt like being in aYMCA. 真的感觉像是住在条件勉强的基督教青年会. 互联网 They donate all the profits from the maze to organizations like theYMCAand Mari...
man, I was once in your shoes. I said I was down and out with the blues. I felt no man cared if I were alive. I felt the whole world was so tight.” 但维克多认为这首歌不应该传递沮丧的情绪,于是他回忆起自己在旧金山的青年时光,并写下了歌词:“It’s fun to stay at the YMCA.”...
YMCA是“基督教青年会”(Young Men's Christian Association)的英文缩写,这是一个具有全球影响力的基督教性质社会服务组织,致力于通过多元化的活动促进青年群体的全面成长。下文将从其名称含义、历史渊源、核心职能及社会贡献等方面展开说明。 名称与起源 YMCA于1844年由英国伦敦的乔治·...
Andy - YMCA (青年會)