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Weighted Alpha: A measure of how much a stock or commodity has risen or fallen over a one-year period. Barchart takes this Alpha and weights this, assigning more weight to recent activity, and less (0.5 factor) to activity at the beginning of the period. Thus, Weighted Alpha is a measu...
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机构追踪 美股市场个股详情 YLLXF YELLOW CAKE PLC 添加自选 5.390 -0.551-9.27% 延时15分钟行情收盘价 03/07 16:00 (美东) 11.69亿总市值6.82市盈率TTM 5.690最高价5.390最低价1.39万股成交量5.690今开5.941昨收7.76万成交额0.01%换手率1.54市盈率(静)2.17亿总股本9.00052周最高0.65市净率11.69亿流通值5.25052...
机构追踪 美股市场个股详情 YLLXF YELLOW CAKE PLC 添加自选 5.390 -0.551-9.27% 延时15分钟行情收盘价 03/07 16:00 (美东) 11.69亿总市值6.82市盈率TTM 5.690最高价5.390最低价1.39万股成交量5.690今开5.941昨收7.76万成交额0.01%换手率1.54市盈率(静)2.17亿总股本9.00052周最高0.65市净率11.69亿流通值5.25052...