Yld2004-18pThe Yld2004-18p yield criterion uses 18 parameters to define anisotropy for a full 3D stress state. It is demonstrated in this paper that dependencies between the parameters exist and for a given set of experimental data the parameters are not uniquely defined. Analysis of the yield...
barlat YLD2004-18P屈服中参数标定的方法(有相关程序更佳),可有偿 发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
barlat YLD2004-18P屈服中参数标定的方法(有相关程序更佳),可有偿 发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
GRYTTEN F,,HOLMEDAL B,HOPPERSTAD O S,et al.Evaluation of identification methods for YLD2004-18p. Inter-national Journal of Plasticity . 2008F. Grytten, B. Holmedal, O.S. Hopperstad, T. Borvik, Evaluation of identification methods for YLD2004-18p, Int. J. Plast. 24 (2008) 2248-2277....
In this study, the yld2004-18p yield function, which can be used to analyze the three-dimensional stress state in multiple axes with high accuracy and acceptable identification cost, is used to develop a non-associated constitutive model and subsequently applied to sheet metal forming analysis. ...
However, to calibrate the parameters of the non-quadratic anisotropic 3D yield function Yld2004-18p, out-of-plane normal and shear stresses are needed which are very difficult to obtain experimentally. In this study, the out-of-plane stresses were found using a three-dimensional (3D) ...
Yld2004-18pFlow surfaceDP600AnisotropyDue to an increasing usage of dual phase (DP) steels in the automotive industry, it is necessary to fully investigate the mechanical response of DP steels during sheet forming processes or crash events. In this work, the mechanical response of DP600 obtained...
barlat YLD2004-18P屈服中参数标定的方法(有相关程序更佳),可有偿 发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
barlat YLD2004-18P屈服中参数标定的方法(有相关程序更佳),可有偿 发自小木虫Android客户端 ...
Yld2004-18p functionNumerical simulationEaring profileHot forming is an effective method to improve the formability of high strength AA7075 alloy. When formed at elevated temperature, AA7075 alloy still exhibits distinct anisotropic behaviors. The main purpose of this paper is to characterize the ...