YKK Corporation has released “This is YKK 2022,” the company’s annual integrated report on medium-term management strategies, value creation aimed at long-term sustainable growth, and sustainability initiatives for YKK’s fastening business. The theme of this year’s report is “YKK’s Purpose...
10 月初,在东京墨田区开幕的 YKK Fastening Creation 上,日本当红设计事务所 Nendo 受邀发表了最新作品 zippppper project,五个 p,指的是 Nendo 为 YKK 提出的五个有趣的拉链设计方案。YKK Fastening Creation 是一个面向设计系学生的拉链及服装设计比赛,它由日本著名的拉链大王 YKK 发起于 17 年前。比赛分...
YKK Corporation has released “This is YKK 2022,” the company’s annual integrated report on medium-term management strategies, value creation aimed at long-term sustainable growth, and sustainability initiatives for YKK’s fastening business. The theme of this year’s report is “YKK’s Purpose...
拉链行业的鼻祖YKK是怎么做到的 还记得2017年末的时候YKK在东京举办了一场YKK Fastening Creation比赛,开幕式中他们邀请了日本著名设计师佐藤大设计拉链。 1977年出生于加拿大的佐藤大Oki Sato,可不是简单的设计师,他曾被评为日本最受欢迎的设计师之一,是位有着非凡创意和才华的年轻设计师,作品曾在全球大放异彩。拉...
Global Website of YKK Fastening Products Group - The YKK Fastening Products Group is trusted world-wide for their impeccable production standards and thorough quality control processes for zippers, hook & loop fasteners, plastic hardware and snap & butt
10 月初,在东京墨田区开幕的 YKK Fastening Creation 上,日本当红设计事务所 Nendo 受邀发表了最新作品 zippppper project,五个 p,指的是 Nendo 为 YKK 提出的五个有趣的拉链设计方案。设计鬼才佐藤大又有新作了#日本# #设计# k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转...
Sustainability: Overview Our View of Sustainability YKK is constantly pursuing the creation of a sustainable society through our business. At the core of all our corporate activities is the philosophy of YKK founder Tadao Yoshida, the "Cycle of Goodness. " The idea that 'no one prospers without...
还记得2017年末的时候YKK在东京举办了一场YKK Fastening Creation比赛,开幕式中他们邀请了日本著名设计师佐藤大设计拉链。1977年... 2023-12-01 国际比较知名的拉链品牌有哪些? 我们一起来认识一下国际比较知名的拉链品牌:1奢侈品厂商的最爱:瑞士的riri拉链riri最早起源于一位瑞士的律师,他从一个美籍瑞士... 2023...
还记得2017年末的时候YKK在东京举办了一场YKK Fastening Creation比赛,开幕式中他们邀请了日本著名设计师佐藤大设计拉链。1977年... 2023-12-01 国际比较知名的拉链品牌有哪些? 我们一起来认识一下国际比较知名的拉链品牌:1奢侈品厂商的最爱:瑞士的riri拉链riri最早起源于一位瑞士的律师,他从一个美籍瑞士... 2023...
YKK North and Central America Group offers a variety of fastening products which add value and are sure to keep your boat top in ship shape condition. YKK’s MARINE MATES® zippers are a unique line of VISLON®zippers designed specifically to resist corrosion and add protection from the ...