ECO-DYE™ - 生态染料 (无水拉链染色技术) 染料是服装产业提供颜色和不同亮度所必不可少的元素。为获得这一水平的亮度,染色过程中必须使用大量的水,这就会导致大量含有化学试剂的废水的排放,很可能会造成环境污染。 作为我们环保行动的一个环节,YKK研发出一种 ECO-DYE™ 生态染料”技术——使用超临界流体染色...
As part of the environmental activities, YKK has development ECO-DYE® technology that, utilizing the supercritical fluid dyeing (“SFD”) technology which allows YKK to reduce water usage and eliminate wastewater in the manufacturing process of fastening products. In addition, carbon dioxide (CO2)...
Eco-Dye® (Waterless Zipper Dyeing Technology) Introduction of an YKK Fastening Products Group’s Environmental Activity 4th May 2020 As part of the environmental activities, YKK has development ECO-DYE® technology that, utilizing the supercritical fluid dyeing (“SFD”) technology which allows YK...
As a part of our environmental activities, YKK has developed ECO-DYE® technology that—utilizing supercritical fluid dyeing (“SFD”) technology—allows the reduction of the amount of water used in the zipper dyeing process to almost zero. This technology enables us to manufacture the same high...
2016年,通过无水染色技术“ECO-DYE™”,YKK推出了在染色工序(准备工序、清洗工序、分离和回收工序)中几乎不使用水,同时制成的商品质量和外观保持原有水平的染色技术。2019年 “GreenRise®”拉链则是将植物中提取的聚酯替代石化燃料中的提取物作为主要...
ECO-DYE® (Waterless Zipper Dyeing Technology): Super critical fluid dyeing (“SFD”) technology reduces the amount of water used in the zipper dyeing process to zero, helping to eliminate the risk of water pollution. Learn more aboutECO-DYE® (Waterless Zipper Dyeing Technology). ...
ECO-DYE® - 生态染料 (无水拉链染色技术)染料是服装产业提供颜色和不同亮度所必不可少的元素。为获得这一水平的亮度,染色过程... 2020-10-28 YKK限用物质清单(YKK RSL) 近年来,在供应链中使用的化学品对人类健康和环境的影响得到越来越广泛的关注。YKK正努力消除生产过程中的危险化学品,并参考Oek... ...
YKKECO-DYE®zipper is made of black polyester. This almost water free process reduces waste water significantly. 1.00 €/m m Color:Natural White (099) Bargain batch: unused old stock Product number: 9439 Minimum order quantity: 0.2 m ...
例如,染色工序中几乎不需要使用水的环保染色技术「ECO-DYE®」等。🌊 2020年,YKK研发推出了NATULON® Ocean Sourced™。这种拉链利用从斯里兰卡海岸线50公里以内的海域收集而来的海洋塑料废弃物加工而成,既环保又创新。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 追梦Grace赤子心 2024-12-28 🚄嘉兴南湖一日游:交通与...