GF2/3D75A 54 68 60 75 F6L912T ≤228 6 6.12 100*120 1760*760*1150 GF2/3D96A 70 88 77 96 BF6L91C3 ≤228 6 6.12 102*125 2200*840*1370 GF2/3D28 20 25 22 28 D226B-3D ≤215 3 3 105*120 1600*780*1150 GF2/3D55 40 50 44...
b. Adopt multi-screen touch screen to realize the main process parameters and fault indication of the press, mainly including the following basic information:Production process status monitoring and production volume presetting and countinMachine status display, I / O status ...
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