应用信息 名称:YiyaHanyu 版本:1.4.2 包名:com.yiyahanyu MD5值:5582d2405804bcaf7ab132b7630b5d7b下载地址 YiyaHanyu(一呀汉语app) v1.4.2安卓版 湖北电信下载 湖南电信下载 广东移动下载 山东移动下载 上海电信下载 重庆电信下载 江苏电信下载 北方联通下载...
平台:iOSYiyaHanyu,一呀汉语 HD版 产品介绍 产品纠错 YiyaHanyu is an all around Chinese learning app. Each main lesson in this app begins with a real life video depicting what you are very likely to experience in China, both in daily life and in business encounters. The video is followed ...
Chinese YiyaHanyu 易芽汉语 产品类型:应用 开发阶段:已上线 所属公司:中和世纪文化传播(北京)有限公司 推广区域:欧洲,港澳台,北美,南亚,其他 平台:iOS Chinese YiyaHanyu 易芽汉语 产品介绍 产品纠错 Lessons in YiyaHanyu app begins with 100+ scenario videos overing 60+topics, depicting what you are very ...
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