1) yixuesheng 益血生 1. Clinical Observation of the Yixuesheng Protection Effect on Leucocyte in Cancer Chemotherapy; 益血生在化疗中对白细胞保护作用的观察 更多例句>> 2) reinforcing qi and nourishing blood 益气生血 例句>> 3) Yishenshengxueyin ...
医学声_yixuesheng 22-12-14 22:33 发布于 陕西 来自 医学声Android 已编辑 置顶 #我们的第一课# 健康所系,性命相托。当我步入神圣医学学府的时刻,谨庄严宣誓:我志愿献身医学,热爱祖国,忠于人民,恪守医德,尊师守纪,刻苦钻研,孜孜不倦,精益求精,全面发展。我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛,助健康之完美,维护医术...
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of Yixuesheng Capsules concomitant with recombinant granulocyte colony stimulating factor( rh G-CSF) on the myelosuppression after chemotherapy for patients with gynecological tumors. Methods: A total of 64 patients with leucopenia after the chemotherapy for mal...
Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Male Neoplastic Anemia with Yixuesheng Capsule(益血生胶囊) Combined with Recombination Human Erythropoietin 认领 被引量:4 Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Male Neoplastic Anemia with Yixuesheng Capsule(益血生胶囊) Combined with Recombination Human ...
1) YiXueSheng capsule 益血生胶囊1. Interferon-alpha combined with YiXueSheng capsule for chronic hepatitis B 干扰素-α伍用益血生胶囊治疗慢性乙型肝炎2. Objective:To assess the efficacy of Interferon-alpha(IFN-α) combined with YiXueSheng capsule versus IFN-αalone for treatment of HBeAg-positive...
Objective To observe the clinical effect of Yixuesheng Jiaonang combined with pegylated interferonα-2a( PEG-IFNα-2a) and ribavirin on viral hepatitis C( CHC). Methods According to random number table,80 patients with CHC were divided into treatment group of 40 cases and control group of 40...
To explore the efficacy and mechanism of Yixuesheng capsule (益血生胶囊, YXS) combined with recombination human erythropoietin (RHE) in treating male neoplastic anemia (NA). Methods Sixty-five patients were randomized into two groups, the 33 patients in the treated group treated with a combined ...
1.Interferon-alpha combined withYiXueSheng capsulefor chronic hepatitis B干扰素-α伍用益血生胶囊治疗慢性乙型肝炎 2.Objective:To assess the efficacy of Interferon-alpha(IFN-α) combined withYiXueSheng capsuleversus IFN-αalone for treatment of HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B,and to investigate the...
ain what estreet you life 在什么estreet您生活[translate] aSorry, I'll give you love too little 抱歉,我将给您爱太一点[translate] a我不了解它的gongnen[translate] a10.4.2[translate] a我也是一个xuesheng[translate]
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