医学制药英语词汇(A)a avitaminosis 维生素 a 缺乏abacterial 无菌的abaissement 降落abalienation 精神错乱abarognosis 辨重不能abasia 步行不能abatement 轻减abdomen 腹abdominal 腹部的abdominal aorta 腹织脉abdominal apoplexy 腹部卒中abdominal belt 腹带abdominal cavity 腹腔abdominal distension 腹部膨胀abdominal ...
医学翻译词汇七e (①eye ②electromotive force) ①眼 ②电动力e.(electron) 电子eagle’s beak pliers 鹰嘴钳ear 耳ear air bag 耳用鼓气球,中耳鼓气球ear and mastoid chisel 耳乳突凿ear applicator 耳涂药器,耳卷棉子ear blown ballon 耳用鼓气球ear bone mallet 耳用骨锤ear bougie 耳探条ear brush 耳...
维生素 a 缺乏 a avitaminosis 无菌的 abacterial 降落abaissement 精神错乱 abalienation 辨重不能 abarognosis 步行不能 abasia 轻减abatement 腹abdomen 腹部的 abdominal 腹织脉 abdominal aorta 腹部卒中 abdominal apoplexy 腹带abdominal belt 腹腔abdominal cavity ...
硫酸钡 Barium sulphate 碳酸钡 Barjum carbonate 王软膏 Basilicon ointment 主药Basis 浴药Baths 月杜叶油 Bayberry oil 熊葡萄叶 Bearberry leaves 啤酒杯 Beerglassful 萮树酸 Behenic acid 颠茄搽剂 Belladonna liniment 颠茄软膏 Belladonna ointment
常见皮肤病英语 acroscleroderma 肢端硬皮症 acute eczema 急性湿疹 acute urticaria 急性荨麻疹 allergic cutaneous vasculitis 变应性皮肤血管炎 allergic purpura 过敏性紫癜 allergic systemic vasculitis 变应性系统性血管炎 amphotericin b 二性霉素b angio——edema 血管性水肿 antihistaminics 抗组胺药 antimycotics ...
neural crest cells - cells derived from the ectoderm layer in the embryo. this layer folds to form a neural tube which will later become the spinal cord of the animal. cells from the crest of this fold, leave the ectoderm and migrate into the mesoderm layer. these neural crest cells are...
俄语医学类词汇有俄语药品词汇、俄语医疗器械词汇大全和俄语医学术语词汇大全,掌握好了对我们的学习和生活都有很大的帮助。 -俄语医学词汇
嘿嘿,简单吧?不知道你翻译的版本是啥呢?提交你的译本,来看看详尽的正确答案和解析吧! 【关键词】lose one’s legs 【误译】霍德华失去了他的双腿。 【原意】霍德华喝醉了,走起路来摇摇晃晃。 【说明】lose one’s legs是俚语,意为“由于喝醉了而走起路来摇摇晃晃。”。
Can we look ahead twenty five years and dream about the transformations that will take place? The scholars who make it their business to try to predict the future are not all in agreement about what the future holds. If you visit displays at places like Disneyworld, you can get a glimpse...
疾病及健康英语词汇(R-Z)quit smoking 戒烟race 种族radiation 辐射radiation treatment 射线防腐radioiodine therapy 放射碘治疗radiotherapy 放射治疗radiotherapy 温扞笥?radiotherapy 治疗放射radon 氡气raloxifene 骨胳密度新药ramipril 预防心脏病新药rapid eye movement(rem)sleep 快速眼球运动睡眠rate of maternal deaths ...