益心舒片 【汉语拼音】Yixinshu Pian 【性状】本品为薄膜衣片,除去薄膜衣后显棕褐色;气微香,味微苦。 【成份/主要成份】 人参、麦冬、五味子、黄芪、丹参、川芎、山楂。 【功能主治(适应症)】 益气复脉,活血化瘀,养阴生津。用于气阴两虚,心悸脉结代,胸闷不舒、胸痛及冠心病心绞痛见有上述症状者。 【用法用...
1.Study ofYixinshu capsuleon stable angina pectoris which displaying deficiency of both vital energy and yin concurrently bleed stasis;益心舒胶囊治疗气阴两虚兼血瘀证稳定型心绞痛的研究 2.Clinial analysis of Bisoprolol with Yixinshu Capsule on 190 cases of arrhythmias比索洛尔联合益心舒胶囊治疗心律失常...
YiXin-Shu, a ShengMai-San-based traditional Chinese medicine formula, attenuates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury by suppressing mitochondrial mediated apoptosis and upregulating liver-X-receptor α Yichao Zhao, Longwei Xu, Zhiqing Qiao, Lingchen Gao, Song Ding, Xiaoying Ying, Yuanyuan...
yixinshupian 益心舒片益心舒片组成人参 300克 麦冬 300克 黄芪 300克 五味子 200克 丹参 400克 川芎 200克 山楂 300克 益心舒片的功效与作用益气复脉,活血化瘀,养阴生津。 益心舒片主治主治气阴两虚,瘀血阻脉所致的胸痹,症见胸痛胸闷,心悸气短,脉结代;冠心病心绞痛见上述证候者。 益心舒片...
1)Yixinshu capsule益心舒胶囊 1.Study of Yixinshu capsule on stable angina pectoris which displaying deficiency of both vital energy and yin concurrently bleed stasis;益心舒胶囊治疗气阴两虚兼血瘀证稳定型心绞痛的研究 2.Clinial analysis of Bisoprolol with Yixinshu Capsule on 190 cases of arrhythmias...
1.本外观产品的名称为包装盒(益心舒糖浆),用途是用于包装药品. 1. The appearance of the product name for the box (Yixinshu syrup), use is used for packaging drugs. 2.本外观设计要点主要体现在主视图图案及色彩. 2. The design is mainly reflected in the main view point patterns and colors. ...
Heart failure (HF) patients exhibit a wide range of cognitive and mood abnormalities, especially hippocampus abnormality. Unfortunately, there are few treatments for hippocampus abnormality with HF. Yixinshu (YXS), a traditional Chinese herbal medication, has been found to improve cardiac function in ...
1.本外观设计产品的名称:药盒(益心舒颗粒)。 1 The name of the product design: kit (Yixinshu particles). 2.本外观设计产品的用途:药盒。 (2) The design uses of products: kit. 3.本外观设计的设计要点:整体形状和图案及色彩的结合。 (3) The design features of th
Unique font identifier:1.000;UKWN;yixinshupianti Full font name:yixinshupianti Version string:Version 1.000 Postscript name:yixinshupianti 壹心薯片体 RegularMeasurement detail Every Pixel unit:1000Size of superscript horizontal font :650 Horizontal minimum:-40Size of superscript vertical font600 ...
Unique font identifier:1.000;UKWN;yixinshupianti Full font name:yixinshupianti Version string:Version 1.000 Postscript name:yixinshupianti 壹心薯片体 RegularMeasurement detail Every Pixel unit:1000Size of superscript horizontal font :650 Horizontal minimum:-40Size of superscript vertical font600 ...