my beloved Hong KongLooking back on 50 years of research#Introduction by the Editor#Life experience as told by Professor Mai#My family background – From Qingyuan (清遠) to Hong Kong#Growing up in Hong Kong and school days#First generation of family to attend university#Journeys to the U.S...
米芾后裔米耀荣Yiu Wing Mai br/2011年05月27日br/ 世界著名材料力学专家、澳洲唯一的华裔、澳大利亚科学院、工程院两院院士米耀荣教授是米芾(宋代字画荚订的后代,为了寻根,在到中国讲学之余,2005年他西上往襄樊参观了米公祠,2008年他又东来镇江凭吊米芾墓,并参观刚刚落成的丹徒米芾广场,这两次的寻根之旅,使这位诞...
学习期间,该生在Yiu-Wing Mai教授和Lin Ye教授的指导下进行碳纳米管层间增韧碳纤维树脂基复合材料的制备和实验研究,发现碳纳米管可以有效提高I、II型层间断裂韧性,并对断面进行了观察表征,完成了SCI论文一篇。本次报告将介绍该生在澳大利亚悉尼大学学习期间的收获和体会,以及在“复合材料层间增韧”方面取得的成果。
Controlled interfacial bonding on the residual strength of fatigued-damaged carbon fibre-epoxy composites: Yiu-Wing Mai Journal of Materials Science Letters Vol 7 (1988) pp 581–582doi:10.1016/0010-4361(89)90701-5ELSEVIERComposites
Paper: "Theoretical analysis of Hertzian contact fracture: Ring crack", by Xu-Yue Wang, Lawrence Kwok-Yan Li, Yiu-Wing Mai, and Yao-Gen Shen; Engineering Fracture Mechanics 75 (2008) 4247–4256 - ResearchGatedoi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2010.11.001Elizaveta Gordeliy...