1) "Yishen Juanbi Pill"益肾蠲痹丸2) Boost kidney 益肾3) Yishen Capsule 益肾胶囊 1. The research of Yishen Capsule combine with Benapril for chronic renal failure; 益肾胶囊联合贝那普利治疗慢性肾衰临床研究 2. Effect of Yishen capsule on serum vascular endothelial growth factor and cell ...
标题:益肾蠲痹丸 拼音名:Yishen Juanbi Wan 标准编号:WS-68(Z-10)-92(Z) 批准文号:(89)卫药准字Z-19号 本品为骨碎补、熟地黄、当归、延胡索、寻骨风、{律}草等药味经加工制成的丸剂。 【性状】 本品为棕褐色的小丸;味微苦、涩。 【鉴别】 (1)取本品,置显微镜下观察:体壁碎片无色,表面有极细的...
1) YiShenJuanBi capsules 蚁参蠲痹胶囊 1. Objective:To observe and appraise the efficacy and Safety ofYiShenJuanBi capsulesin the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. 目的:观察和评价蚁参蠲痹胶囊治疗类风湿关节炎的疗效和安全性。 更多例句>>
网络蚁参蠲痹胶囊 网络释义 1. 蚁参蠲痹胶囊 蚁附蠲痹颗粒,Yifu... ... ) Yifu-Juanbi granule 蚁附蠲痹颗粒 )YiShenJuanBi capsules蚁参蠲痹胶囊) Gubi Granules 骨痹颗粒 ... www.dictall.com|基于3个网页
汉语拼音:Yishen Juanbi Wan 主要成分:地黄、当归、淫羊藿、骨碎补、全蝎等。 性状:棕褐色水泛丸;气微腥,味微苦涩。 药理作用: 功能与主治:温补肾阳,蠲痹通络。适用于顽痹(类风湿性关节炎)。症见:关节疼痛、红肿、屈伸不利、晨僵、瘦削或僵硬畸形。
limit testWe developed a HPLC method with high specificity and sensitivity for the limit test of AAA in Yishen Juanbi Pill. In this mothod, the detection limit for AAA was 2.216ng. AAA could not be detected in all the 3 batches of the pill which suggests that the pill prepared by the ...
Yishen Juanbi PillAAAHPLCLimit testWe developed a HPLC method with high specificity and sensitivity for the limit test of AAA in Yishen Juanbi Pill. In this method, the detection limit for AAA was 2.216 ng. AAA could not be detected in all the 3 batches of the pill which suggests that ...