茅以升 Yisheng Mao去修改 增改资料和作品 性别: 男 出生日期: 1896年1月9日 去世日期: 1989年11月12日 职业: 作者 关注 5人关注 推荐 人物简介 ··· 茅以升(1896年1月9日—1989年11月12日),字唐臣,江苏镇江人。中共党员,九三学社社员,生前系九三学社中央名誉主席,中国铁道科学研究院院长,中国科协名誉...
Mao Yisheng, born in Zhenjiang in January 1896, is a pioneer in the modern bridge construction industry in China. He was in charge of the construction of the Qiantang River Bridge, the first modern large-scale bridge designed and built by the Chinese, which became a milestone in the ...
根据“In Nanjing, the young Mao received a modern education ”可知在茅以升年轻的时候受到了现代教育,at an early age“在早年,在小的时候”。故填 eraly。【小题4】根据第二段的后半部分可知茅以升在唐山工程学院毕业后出国深造了,futher education“深造”。故填 further。【小题5】根据“His dissertation ...
NOS ÉMISSIONS plus UNIVERS SPORT 03/29/2016 Un garçon,né dans les années 1990,qui s’attache aux dogues du Tibet de la vallée de l’Himalaya Fortune créative 03/28/2016 03/27/2016 Nouveau look 03/27/2016 SUISSE : UNE CERTAINE IDÉE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE PARLONS-EN 03/26/2016...
1997 AN14. Discovered 1997 Jan. 9 at the Beijing Observatory at Xinglong.Yisheng Mao (1896–1989) was a world-renowned scientist and one of the founders of modern bridge engineering of China. In the 19Springer Berlin HeidelbergDictionary of Minor Planet Names...
MaoYisheng.BorninJiangsu,ZhenjianginJanuary1896. GrandpaMaoe Foryears,inthelateQingDynastyJuren,paidparticular attentiontomathematicsandwrotealotaboutwater conservancy,waterconservancy Theworkshaveagreatinfluenceonwang.Whenhewasyoung, hiswholefamilymovedfromZhenjiangtoNanjing, ...
a许多年以后,茅以升先生成了新中国第一代中科院院士。回首往事,最令他引以为豪的,就是他两度设计修筑钱塘江大桥和当年的“挥泪断通途”。而如果说钱塘江大桥是茅以升先生聪明才智的体现,那么他在国家危亡之际,毅然决然地为国毁桥,则更见他的大智大勇。 After many years, Mr. Mao Yisheng has become new Chinese...
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