肝胆胰类>茵栀黄口服液(三九999) YinZhiHuangKouFuYe 茵栀黄口服液(三九999)说明书< 茵栀黄口服液新生儿用量副作用 新生儿黄疸比较严重时,可以服用茵栀黄清热解毒,缓解黄疸问题。一般每天服用一支,分2~3次服用就可以。茵栀黄可能会刺激肠胃 茵栀黄口服液婴儿用量 茵栀黄口服液婴儿的用量为一次三毫升,每天三...
yinzhihuangjiaonang 茵栀黄胶囊茵栀黄胶囊组成茵陈提取物 60克 栀子提取物 32克 黄芩提取物 200克(以黄芩苷计) 金银花提取物 40克 茵栀黄胶囊的功效与作用清热解毒,利湿退黄。 茵栀黄胶囊主治主治肝胆湿热所致的黄疸,症见面目悉黄、胸胁胀痛、恶心呕吐、小便黄赤;急、慢性肝炎见上述证候者。
【鉴别】 (1)取[含量测定]项下溶液,照分光光度(附录Ⅴ)测定,在276±2nm和317±2nm波长处应有最大吸收。 (2)取本品10ml,加稀盐酸1ml,加热至约80℃,放冷,滤过,滤液移置分液漏斗中,加醋酸乙酯提取2次,每次10ml,合并醋酸乙酯液,蒸干,残渣加乙醇2ml使溶解,作为供试品溶液。另取茵陈对照药材3g,加水50ml,煮...
1) yinzhihuang 茵桅黄例句>> 2) yinzhihuang 茵栀黄 1. Clinical effect of Zhenchangsheng and Yinzhihuang injection interfering in neonatal jaundice; 整肠生、茵栀黄干预新生儿黄疸的临床治疗 2. Clinical observation of Yinzhihuang injection in adjuvant treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in 42 newborn;...
拼音名:YinzhihuangZhusheye 标准编号:WS3-B-2736-97 【处方】茵陈提取物 6g 栀子提取物 3.2g 黄芩甙 20g 金银花提取物(以绿原酸计) 4g 【制法】以上四味,取黄芩甙加水适量润湿,用氢氧化钠溶液溶解;其余茵陈提取物等三味分别加水溶解,另取葡萄糖20g,葡甲胺5g加水溶解,混匀,调节pH值,以注射用水稀释至1000...
Yinzhihuang oral liquid, a well-known Chinese herbal formula, is a clinical drug for the treatment of neonatal jaundice, and a number of clinical trials have been published addressing this issue, but there is no comprehensive analysis that evaluates its efficacy for the treatment of newborn ...
nature publishing group Basic science Investigation Articles Yinzhihuang attenuates ANIT-induced intrahepatic cholestasis in rats through upregulation of Mrp2 and Bsep expressions Qiao-Qun Ou1,2, Xin-Hua Qian1, Ding-You Li3, You-Xiang Zhang2, Xia-Nan Pei1, Jin-Wen Chen1 and Li...
yinzhihuang口服腋小孩喝了拉肚子吗?性别:女 yinzhihuang口服腋小孩喝了拉肚子吗? 温馨提示:因无法面诊,医生建议仅供参考 陈磊 妇产科赫章县中医院二级乙等 快速问医生 问题分析:这个都要拉肚子的,所以这个就可以喝,没什么关系的, 展开全部相关推荐
1)yinzhihuang茵桅黄 英文短句/例句 1.Literature Analysis of 16 Cases of Anaphylactic Shock Induced by Yinzhihuang Injection茵桅黄注射液致过敏性休克16例文献分析 2.Analysis of 120 ADR cases induced by Yinzhihuang injection120例茵栀黄注射液不良反应文献分析 3.Comparative Study of Different Yinzhihua...
In China, phototherapy combined with Yinzhihuang oral liquid is also used for this condition. This systematic review evaluated the effectiveness and safety of combination therapy with Yinzhihuang oral liquid and phototherapy compared to phototherapy alone for treating neonatal jaundice. A comprehensive ...