yinlijun2004/glm yinlijun2004/glmPublic forked fromg-truc/glm NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 master 28Branches54Tags Code This branch is1871 commits behindg-truc/glm:master. README License OpenGL Mathematics(GLM) is a header only C++ mathematics ...
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206 ñ840 c +关注 瞳小瞳CHRIS_被小殷yinlijun快转了 2020-4-22 15:30 来自微博视频号 我家的灯光设计特点是:1 除了餐厅吊灯,其余空间都无主灯。2 灯光在满足日常需要的同时,也会讲求氛围感。3 全屋用了8款不同的LED射灯,色温都是3000K,功率大部分是7W,也有一些6w或10w...展开全文c ...
Lijun Yin哲学博士,副教授Ph.D., Associate Professor 个人信息/Personal Information 殷丽君,哲学博士,中山大学心理学系,副教授,硕士生导师。The LYin?Lab 欺骗与道德神经科学实验室PI。 办公室:心理系楼507C ? Lijun Yin, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Sun Yat-sen University. ...
Language in Thought and Action - Bonny,Yin LijunThe Great Invisible Power -- Review of <Language in Thought and Action> Language refers either to the specifically human capacity for acquiring and using complex systems of communication, or to a specific instance of such a system of complex ...
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Chong Wang, Lixin Huang, Lijun Wang, Yuankai Hong, Yinlin ShaWangHuangWang