精品谜语任你选 儿童谜语数学谜语搞笑谜语英语谜语成语谜语动物谜语地名谜语地理谜语体育谜语植物谜语人名谜语灯谜谜语字谜谜语俗语谜语 英语谜语英语谜语 (三十二) 英语谜语 (三十一) 英语谜语 (三十) 英语谜语 (二十九) 英语谜语 (二十八) 英语谜语 (二十七) 英语谜语 (二十六) 英语谜语 (二十五) 英语谜语 (二十四)...
英语谜语带翻译英语谜语可以分为两类,一类与汉语民间谜语一样,用几句话描述一样事物,然后要求猜射;另一类谜面短小,运用单词结构及双关谐音等手法巧妙答问。 1. 物谜:从某种意义而言,可以把中国的物谜翻译成英语猜射,反之亦然,通过翻译,不影响谜底。如: Two little brothers, One lives on one side, ...
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英语趣味谜语 英文谜语同中国谜语一样有着极其悠久的历史,其中最为有名的大概是斯芬克司之“谜”了。“斯芬克司”一词源自希腊语Sphinx,是希腊神话中一个可怕的怪物,它长着女人的头、狮子的身躯,身上还有两只翅膀。传说中,狮身人面的女怪斯芬克司生性残酷无比,常常守在大路口,让过往的行人猜一... 谜语 英语谜...
32. who always goes to bed with his shoes on?(马) 33. which bird can’t fly? (驼鸟) 34. where’s the john? (厕所) 35. jim doesn’t go to play with us. because some of us don’t give him the time of the day. (不喜欢它) ...
251 Q: What are two things people never eat before breakfast? A: Lunch and supper. 252 Q: Why did the man throw a bucket of water out the window? A: He wanted to see the waterfall. 253 Q: Why did the man throw the butter out the window?
1.What is smaller than an insect's mouth? 2.What season is the most dangerous one? 3.What's too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three? 4.On what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history? 5.How many feet are in a yard?
143 I come out of the earth, I am sold in the market. He who buys me cuts my tail, Takes off my suit of silk, And weeps beside me when I am dead. 144 What has teeth And can't bite? 145 My first letter is twice in apple ...
291 Q: A man rode into town on Tuesday. Two days later he rode home on Tuesday. How is this possible? A: His horse's name is Tuesday. 292 Q: Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance? A: He didn't have anybody to take. (any BODY) ...