1.celebrates the new year, thousand villages shoot off firecrackers, ten thousand households write the association, the happy artillery spring festival couplet awakes the informer 庆新年,千村鸣炮,万户撰联,喜炮春联醒耳目. 扬正气,九野响雷,兆民击鼓,惊雷警鼓壮河山. 2.raises the healthy tendency, ...
春节英语对联wishes everybody early spring to be joyful!celebrates the new year, thousand villages shoot off firecrackers, ten thousand households write the association, the happy artillery spring festival couplet awakes the informerraises the healthy tendency, nine wild thunder, the common people beat ...
英文对联大全 对联1: time is a vexation,come up roll n roll.时尽艰哉,岁月蹉跎事事侯. life is a struggle,have 2 step by 1 step.生多难也,江湖谨慎步步营. 对联2: 上联: rose sells rose on rose road. rose在玫瑰路上卖玫瑰.
英语对联赏析 苦心人,天不负,卧心尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴! 对联9: 上联:we don't stop playing because we grow old.我们不要不玩耍因为我们长大了。 下联:we grow old because we stopplating. 我们长大了因为我们不再玩耍了。 对联10: 上联:time is avexation,come up roll and roll. 时尽艰哉,岁月...
the first couplet: wait year to merry one by one 下联:年年结婚没有咱 the second couplet: each year lots merry but me none. 横批:万事如意 上联:大顺大财大吉利 下联:新春新喜新世纪 headline: everything goes well the first couplet: great peace great wealth and great luckily. the second ...
英语对联赏析 对联1: 上联:eat well sleep well have fun day by day. 吃得不错,睡得不错,天天都开心 下联:study hard work hard make money more and more. 努力学习,努力工作,钱越挣越多 横批:gelivable 给力 对联2: 上联:rose sells rose on rose road. 在玫瑰路上卖玫瑰。 下联:give me hand, ...
上联:sea-water tide,day-to-day tide,every-day tide and every-day ebb. 海浪涨潮,天天涨潮,天天涨潮,又天天退潮. 下联:floating-clouds appear,often appear,often appear and often go 漂浮的云出项了,经常出现,经常出现,又经常消失. 对联5:
春节是中华民族的传统节日,贴春联是春节的传统习俗。2020年春节即将到来小编特意整理了英文版的鼠年春节对联供大家欣赏。 【1】 上联:Great peace great wealth and great luckily.(大顺大财大吉利) 下联:New year new joys and new century.(新春新喜新世纪) ...
下联: buys the front door to the front door, the front door does not have the front door, the back door has the front door. 译为:到前门买前门,前门没前门,后门有前门。 注: 第一个“前门”是指前门,后面“前门”是指“大前门牌香烟”。立即...
spring festival couplets (春联, chūnlián) refer to antithetical couplets written on scrolls which convey people's wishes for peace, fortune and good luck with concise and matching words. before the spring festival arrives, chinese people will paste all their door panels with the couplets, highligh...