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A soybean milk powder with the health-care functions of decreasing blood sugar, nourishing Yin, relieving fatigue, improving immunity, etc is prepared from the traditional soybean milk through adding the micron-class particles of ophiopogon root, seabuckthorn fruit, wolfberry fruit, chromium salt of ...
弘一法师的人生智慧。世间万般皆苦,唯有自渡,点点星光汇聚如炬,你当下经历的每一分苦难,都会照亮你以后整个人生,你当下的每一段经历,都会为你的未来添砖加瓦。 这本书将弘一法师一生彻悟的人生真谛,用最接地气的方式娓娓道来。读完让人内心获得了一份平静,许多事都释怀了。#好书分享 #禅悟人生 #智慧人生 #弘...
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