Yinyanghuo Dosage Fried Served with Water Form Whole Leaf, or Slice, and Powder Part Leaf Storage Note Insect Prevention Function Kidney Yang Use Herb Tea, Food, Skin Care, Extract Material Expiration Date 12 Months Storage Avoid Sun, Keep in a Cool and Dry Pla...
3) Yiqi Yangyin Huoxue principle 益气养阴活血法 1. 1 to PLGC patient\'s clinical curative effect,and discussesYiqi Yangyin Huoxue principleto PLGC the big mouse VEGF influence. 目的:观察胃灵1号冲剂对胃癌前病变患者的临床疗效,并讨论益气养阴活血法对胃癌前病变大鼠VEGF的影响。
13.Clinical Study of Yiqi Yangyin Huoxue on Treating Deficiency of Both Qi and Yin of HSPN益气养阴活血法治疗紫癜性肾炎气阴两虚型的临床研究 14.Clinical Study on Treatment of Chronic Pyelonephritis of Asthenia of the Spleen and Kindney with Jian Pi Yi Shen Decoction and Ignition;健脾益肾方配合...
18.Clinical Research on Yangyin Huoxue Decoction Treatment of Qi-yin Deficiency and Obstruction of Blood Stasis of Diabetes Complicated by Depression养阴活血汤治疗糖尿病合并抑郁症气阴两虚、瘀血阻络证的临床研究 相关短句/例句 Yangyintongluo method养阴通络法 3)Yiqiyangyintongluo益气养阴通络法 1.Effect...
注册 生活休闲 > 社会民生 > 秋季养生的防燥伤阴饮食(Prevent dryness and Yin Yin diet in autumn health) 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 13阅读文档大小:31.5K8页60524d9r39wo..上传于2017-09-16格式:DOC 秋季养生先养肺 防肺燥,护阴津 热度: RK Yin Case Study Research:RK阴个案研究 ...
肾阳虚和肾阴虚的区别及保养(The difference and maintenance of kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency) 肾阳虚和肾阴虚的区别及保养(The difference and maintenance of kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency) The difference and maintenance of kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin ...
Objective:Observe the clinical curative effect of Yin-enching and Heat-cleaning on the treatment of insomnia of Yin-Deficiency and Yang-Excess Type in the old people. 目的:观察养阴清热法治疗老年人失眠阴虚火旺证的临床疗效。6) Yangyinhuoxue Decoction 养阴活血法 1. Clinical observation of Yang...
藿香 苏苓双花饮 预防感冒,品牌:其它品牌,感冒咳嗽 发烧止痛-亚米。低价保证,100%正品保证,品牌官方授权,优质丰富精选的亚洲商品,无忧售后。
藿香 苏苓双花饮 预防感冒,品牌:其它品牌,感冒咳嗽 发烧止痛-亚米。低价保证,100%正品保证,品牌官方授权,优质丰富精选的亚洲商品,无忧售后。
5)supplement qi,nourish yin,promote blood circulation,and remove o益气养阴、活血通络 6)YiQiYangYinJieDuTongLuo decoction益气养阴解毒通络汤 1.Purpose: By observing the effect of the YiQiYangYinJieDuTongLuo decoction on the urinary protein and TCM Syndrome efficacy in patients with Diabetes Nephropathy...